NAL Research Corporation (451-93156-009A)
synchronous non-transparent
normal voice
Read Command: +CRC?
Query the current result code settings. The response is in the form:
+CR: <mode>
Test Command: +CRC=?
List the supported result code settings. The response is in the form:
+CR: (supported <mode>s)
A.8.69 +CVHU – Voice Hangup Control
Set Command: +CVHU=[<mode>]
Selects whether the Hn (hangup) command shall cause a voice call connection to be
disconnected or not. <mode> can take one of the following values:
Disconnect as reaction to Hn command. OK response given.
Ignore Hn command. OK response given.
Disconnect as reaction to Hn command (default).
Read Command: +CVHU?
Query the current voice control hangup settings. The response is in the form:
+CVHU: <mode>
Test Command: +CVHU=?
List the supported voice control hangup settings. The response is in the form:
+CVHU: (supported <mode>s)
A.8.70 +CCLK – Real-Time Clock
Set Command: +CCLK=[<time>]
Sets the real-time clock of the A3LA-RG. If setting fails, ERROR is returned.
string type value; format is “yy/MM/dd,hh:mm:ss
zz”, where characters indicate
year two last digits), month, day, hour, minutes, seconds and time zone. There is
no blank space between the two double quotes. Since time zone feature is not
supported in Iridium, this particular field (
zz) is ignored if it is entered. The range
of valid years is between 1970 and 2058.
For example, May 15, 2011, 22:10:00 hours can be set using +CCLK= “11/05/15,22:10:00”.
Read Command: +CCLK?
Read command returns the current setting of the clock.
+CCLK: <time>
A.8.71 –MSVTS – DTMF Generation in Voice Call
Set Command: –MSVTS=<string>
Generate the specified DTMF tone (i.e., send tone DTMF message to network). The parameter
<string> shall consist of elements in a list where each element is separated by a comma. Each