© Ernst Nagel GmbH 2S Trimmer Service Manual en.doc Rev.1.0. 20.07.2011
Motor 7 / 8
Motor 8 / 7
Fig. 8.12
8. NVM Values
8.2 Adjusting NVM Values
8.2.2 NVM Side Jogger correction
NVM Side Jogger correction is a value that influence the positioning of the booklet.
The booklet can be Side Joggered on both sides (Motor 7 and Motor 8). For each side there
are two NVM values that can be adjusted: Infeed Position and Compress Correction.
NVM Infeed Position
NVM Infeed Position (NVM No. 2 Motor 7) & (NVM No. 4 Motor 8) is the distance
between the Side Jogger and the Lower Knife in millimeters x10.
This ‘default’ distance (485) is determined by moving the Side Joggers back against the
mechanical switch S11 & S13 and divided by 10 (485 :10 = 48,5mm). The results is the
‘home’ position of the Side Jogger in respect of the Lower Knife (See Fig. 8.9 [2] & 8.10 [4]).
This NVM value is set to default and should never be adjusted as it is not
important for the actual Finished Size.
NVM Compress Correction
NVM Compress Correction (NVM No. 3 Motor 7) & (NVM No. 5 Motor 8) is an offset value to repeal
mechanical deviations and used to align the booklet. A value of 1000 has been added to the NVM values
because the software can not handle negative numbers. With respect to the default value there can added
an offset of -100 to +100 and with that the NVM value can be adjusted to compress the booklet more or less.
For example
: to adjust the correct NVM Compress Correction value the distance to the Lower Knife needs to
be known. For that, determine the Paper Size Width (297mm) - the Finished Size (267mm), divided by 2 =
(15mm) the distance to the Lower Knife for each side and that is equal to a Side Trim of 15mm per side with
an offset of zero (See Fig. 8.12).
NVM Infeed Postions No. 2 & 4 are determined at 485 (48,5mm). But because of mechanical deviations
NVM No. 3 & 5 are build in to prevent the Compress Correction. Theoretically the distance to the Lower
Knife for the Compress Correction is 48,5mm - the Side Trim of 1 side (15mm) = 33,5mm (335).
To determine if there is an Offset subtract ‘the value of 1000’ from the current NVM No. 3 or 5 (1020) = 1020
- 1000 = 20. A NVM value of 1 is equals to 0,1mm, which means in this case there is an Offset of 2mm.
If a Side Trim of 15mm or 150 NVM per side is wished, but due to mechanical deviations an Offset to correct
is necessary. In that case there is a Trim Waste of 150 - 20 Offset = 130. Before making an adjustment the
space between the Side Joggers and the booklet was corrected with an Offset of 20.
Fig. 8.13
Fig. 8.14
No. Action
Enter the Service Program mode [see Chapter
Use the ‘
buttons’ to select ‘Calibration’ and press the ‘Enter’ button.
Choose the selected ‘Motor7 Compress Correction’ and press the ‘Enter’ button.