Managing Fiber Driver Devices
PN 1275005-100 Rev E6
7.2. MegaVision Graphical Management
MegaVision is a general purpose graphical user interface (GUI) for network management with special
graphical extensions for MRV networking devices including Fiber Driver. There are several MegaVision
variants including a free download (Configurator), an embedded version in the EM316LNXNM-OT
firmware, and the full network version (MegaVision Pro). The GUI is extensive and powerful; visit
for information and downloads. Contact MRV sales or support for
purchasing and technical questions.
MegaVision presents the administrative controls with a realistic representation of the device. Each Fiber
Driver system is controlled by a window that looks like the target physical device. Open the desired
network node by double-clicking the icon from the main map window of the MegaVision interface. If
the node is a Fiber Driver system, a control window representing the specific chassis model appears.
The example below shows the MegaVision control windows for a generic Fiber Driver chassis with a
EM316LNXNM-OT in slot 1. There is no restriction between specific slots and hosted devices, so the
manager can operate from any available slot in the chassis.