Network Managers
PN 1275005-100 Rev E6
Chapter 2. Network Managers
...introduction to the Linux-based network managers
2.1. The EM316LNXNM Modules
The EM316LNXNM network managers control either the Fiber Driver (FD) or the Media Cross Connect
(MCC) network platforms. The EM316LNXNM models are specifically configured for each product line,
as shown below.
Fiber Driver manager (two SFP sockets and embedded MegaVisionJ GUI)
MCC manager (no SFP sockets and embedded PathFinder GUI)
The MCC configuration is bundled and distributed as an integral part of each MCC chassis. The Fiber
Driver configuration is ordered as a separate module to allow for many unmanaged and remotely
managed CO/CPE applications. Default settings may work for many applications, but management allows
customization to optimize installations or to use the powerful features of the MRV network devices.
Examples and figures may show either module configuration, but management features are consistent
between the modules except as stated.
2.2. Features
EM316LNXNM modules provide powerful and extensive tools for managing Fiber Driver and MCC
systems. The management module firmware is based on a Linux kernel for security and extensibility.
• Local and remote administration interface for Fiber Driver and MCC platforms
• Linux-based onboard software for extensible, open-source configuration
• Serial port and IP network interface access with Telnet or SSH terminal services
• Native command line interface (CLI) and SNMP support
• Field upgrade support to expand software features with limited downtime
• Extensive management tools and environment controls for users, groups, and administration
• Custom graphical user interface (GUI) support with MegaVision
• PathFinder graphical user interface (GUI) support (MCC only)
• Application programming interface (API) for automated and scripted administration (MCC only)
• Additional SFP interface sockets for more network expansion (Fiber Driver only)
• Cluster Discovery Protocol for groups of managed systems (Fiber Driver only)
• Synchronization of commands with devices (
) and software (