Support and Safety
PN 1275005-100 Rev E6
Chapter 1. Support and Safety
...company and industry references
1.1. Customer Support
Before contacting customer support, look for release notes, software updates, technical specifications, and
frequently asked questions (FAQ) online at the MRV support website:
The website includes information regarding software updates, technical specifications, frequently
asked questions (FAQ), and contact information. Contact help online by sending email to
or through the website request link at
MRV Americas (US, Canada, Latin America)
MRV Europe
MRV International
Include the following important information when opening a support case:
1. Site ID or company name
2. Contact information
3. Model or product name
4. Serial number
5. Top assembly revision (see label on device)
6. Brief problem or question including a description of the host network environment
7. Attenuation data for applicable high-speed fiber links
8. Urgency of the issue
1.2. User Guides and Related Documents
Download Fiber Driver product documents from:
ftp://ftp.mrv.com/pub/doc/manuals/Fiber Driver/
Release Notes are produced as needed for specific product revisions. MRV reserves the right to change
products and documents without notice. The user assumes sole responsibility for application and use of
products and information supplied.
1.3. FCC Notice
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. This equipment is tested and
complies with the limits for a Class A digital device in Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits and product
manuals provide protective guidelines to avoid communication interference for operation in a commercial
environment. Users must correct interference when operating this equipment in a residential area. Use
only shielded and grounded cables to ensure compliance with FCC rules. Changes and modifications not
expressly approved by the manufacturer can void users' authority to operate the equipment.