Configuration Context
PN 1275005-100 Rev E6
6.7.8. Forcing User Logouts
Super class users can force logout of a user currently logged into the system. There are two situations to
First, a particular connection may be locked or another user may require access from that location. A Super
user can end the session of the user currently connected at that point without affecting other connections.
Use the "
" command to find the process identification (PID) number for the command argument.
Disconnect a specific session or sessions:
sys disconnect pid PID
Second, a rogue user may be logged into the system through multiple connections. All connections
belonging to this user can be terminated by a Super user.
Disconnect a user's session(s):
sys disconnect user USER
Disconnecting a specified user's sessions can be also be limited to an access interface type listed below:
sys disconnect user USER api
Disconnect user from all API sessions
sys disconnect user USER console
Disconnect user from serial console
sys disconnect user USER ssh
Disconnect user from all ssh sessions
sys disconnect user USER telnet
Disconnect user from all telnet sessions
sys disconnect user USER gui
Disconnect user from all gui sessions