Configuration Context
PN 1275005-100 Rev E6
6.7.5. Port/Slot/Chassis Control
The CLI controls user access to Fiber Driver components through group permissions. Each group is
assigned read, read/write, or no access to each manageable component in the system. A user can be a
member of any or all the available groups. The one factory default group, called "
", has read/write
access to all possible ports. The "
" username is assigned to group "
", so this user can access
and change the configuration of any port on the system.
To add a user to a group (from "configuration" context):
fiberdriver(config)# username USERNAME group GROUPNAME
To remove a user from a group:
fiberdriver(config)# no username USERNAME group GROUPNAME
To configure the READ port membership of a group:
fiberdriver(config)# group GROUPNAME read 1.1.1
To remove that access privilege:
fiberdriver(config)# no group GROUPNAME read 1.1.1
Similar commands exist for read/write access rights. Use "
" instead of "
" in the above
commands. The system checks chassis, slot, and port access rights on each command. If a user has
permission to manage a system component through a "chassis", "slot", or "port" access configuration, then
the user can access the component. Read and read/write access rights are stored separately. Each port, slot,
or chassis read or write access must be allowed through a specific component access right.
For example, consider the following sequence of commands:
fiberdriver(config)# username guest group read-group
fiberdriver(config)# username guest group guest-group
fiberdriver(config)# username admin group write-group
fiberdriver(config)# group read-group read 1
fiberdriver(config)# group guest-group write 1.1
fiberdriver(config)# group guest-group write 1.2.1
fiberdriver(config)# group write-group write 1
This will allow "admin" full read/write access to every port on the chassis. User "guest" will be able to read
every port on the chassis, and will also be able to configure ports on slot 1.1, and will be able to configure
port 1.2.1, but will not be able to configure any other port.