(3) In-test-mode(M9075) ......Signal from PCPU to SCPU
(a) This flag is used to determine whether or not a test mode established from
a peripheral device is currently effective. Use it, for example, for an interlock
effective when starting a servo program with a DSFRP/SVST instruction in
the sequence program.
ON ......... When the test mode is not in effect
OFF ....... When the test mode is in effect
(b) If a test mode request is issued from a peripheral device but the test mode
is not established, the test mode request error flag (M9078) comes ON.
(4) External emergency stop input flag (M9076) .......Signal from PCPU to SCPU
This flag is used to check the ON or OFF status of external emergency stop
signal input at the EMG terminal.
ON........ External emergency stop input is ON
OFF ...... External emergency stop input is OFF
(5) Manual pulse generator axis setting error flag (M9077) ....... Signal sent from
(a) This flag is used to determine whether the setting in the manual pulse
generator axis setting register (D1012) is normal or abnormal.
ON ......... When D1012 is normal
OFF ....... When D1012 is abnormal
(b) When M9077 comes ON, the error contents are stored in the manual pulse
generator axis setting error register (D9187).
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