Workstation 5 Field Service Guide
Remove and Replace the Workstation 5 FRUs
LCD/Touchscreen Procedures
LCD/Touchscreen Procedures
This section contains procedures for changing the resistive or capacitive
touchscreen glass, LCD Panel, and Backlight Inverter Board. Figure 4-7,
below displays an exploded view of the LCD/Touchscreen assembly
Figure 4-7: The Workstation 5 LCD/Touchscreen Assembly
Starting at the top of the illustration, a standard 15” 5-Wire resistive or optional
capacitive touch panel mounts to the top of the LCD/Touchscreen Bracket,
held in place by clips. The LCD/Touchscreen bracket fits around the LCD
Panel to form an assembly that is fastened to the LCD Plate with four screws.
The LCD Plate has undergone modifications to move the backlight inverter
board several centimeters away from its original position in order to avoid
interference to the nearby mag stripe reader.