Workstation 5 Field Service Guide
Workstation 5 Troubleshooting
Operational Troubleshooting
Also during this phase, the CAL script uses the regedit.exe utility stored in
the doc\utilities folder to extract CAL, network, and wireless keys from the
registry and place them in a temporary file. If an application is installed,
other registry settings related to the application are preserved as well.
The unit restarts and a pre-boot firmware application called FlashCE
detects the NK.BIN file and copies it over the existing NK.BIN file in the
hidden boot partition and starts it. During this time, the message ‘Updating
Operating System - Please Wait’... appears on the LCD before the unit
The new NK.BIN image starts, the CAL resumes and immediately deletes
the NK.BIN file from the CF card. The CAL then enters a ‘clean-up’ phase,
restoring the preserved registry keys and removing the ‘n’ and ‘o’ files
from the USB Flash Drive before another reboot occurs.
If a BIOS upgrade is not included in the platform upgrade, the unit boots to
to Windows Embedded CE 6.0 and is ready to receive an application
through the CAL.
If a BIOS update is included, the CAL script copies the GRNBELT.BIN
binary file along with several support files to the CF card, then forces a
restart. A pre-boot firmware application called the Platform Update
Facility detects the GRNBELT.BIN file, performs file size and checksum
tests on the binary image file, and if successful, flashes the system board
BIOS chip. The message “Updating the BIOS - Please do not Remove
Power,” during this time.
When the BIOS update completes, the unit re-starts once again. When the
operating system starts, the CAL resumes and removes the BIOS binary
and support files from the CF Card.
The example above is a ‘full platform update’ scenario. Because the CAL is
script driven, and the PLATFORM update file can specify individual
components to update, many variations are possible. A Hotfix mode is also
available that can transport a single file (a DLL file for example) or group of
files to the unit and restart it. MICROS POS applications are downloaded using
a CAL script associated with the application.
The WEPOS configuration runs a 32-Bit version of the CAL called CAL32 - it
can perform all of the same tasks the CAL on the WinCE platform. However
since a typical WEPOS image is several gigabytes, Platform Updates and the
WINCE Factory Restore feature are not supported.
CAL32 can be used place the BIOS binary file on the CF card so that the
pre-boot application PlatformUpdate can update the BIOS. A CAL32 Hotfix
could be implemented to download an updated system file if required.