Workstation 5 Field Service Guide
Workstation 5 Troubleshooting
WS5 Diagnostic
Activity Counters, Dump Sys Info and Recovery Image Info
Located at the lower left side of the System Information screen are the [View
Counters], [Dump Sys Info], and [Recovery Image Info] buttons. A functional
description of each follows.
[View Counters]
Touch this button to display a set of counters that track the number of times
an MSR swipe occurs and the number of times each cash drawer is opened.
Each counter is stored in the registry and will reset to zero if the CF card is
wiped or formatted.
[Dump Sys Info]
Touch this button to create a file called WS5dump.txt on the CF Card. This
text file contains all of the fields and counters reported by the System
Information screen in a comma separated ASCII text format. The text file
can be retrieved from the CF card and examined for troubleshooting or
[Recovery Image Info]
Touch this button to determine the version of the factory restore files and
track usage. The information is contained in file called FACRECOV.DAT,
located in the \DOC folder. The screen capture below is an example of this
screen, each field is explained in more detail below.
Figure 3-14: Displaying the Factory Restore Information Screen
The ‘Image Version’ fields displays the version of the restore files. The
restore files are contained in a hidden partition.