Workstation 5 Field Service Guide
Workstation 5 Troubleshooting
Workstation Recovery and Platform Update Procedures
Using the CAL to Configure a CE Workstation
The Client Application Loader is part of the WS5 CE Platform software
that ships with each unit. The CAL Server is distributed with and installed
by POS application software.
A registry setting ensures the CAL client starts each time the operating
system starts. Windows Embedded CE 6.0 clients use the CAL, and
WEPOS clients use CAL32, updated to run in the WIN32 environment.
Each version is capable of performing the same tasks.
When the CAL starts, it examines the registry to determine if it has already
configured the workstation. When the CAL connects to an application
server and downloads an application, it saves CAL, network, server and
application related information in the workstation’s registry. This allows
the CAL to quickly determine that an application is installed, remain in the
background, and allow the application to start.
Using WCF to delete the registry, format or erase all files removes the CAL
configuration data so the next time the unit starts, the CAL assumes the
workstation is ‘new’ and must be configured.
When the CAL determines the WS5 is not configured, or if you use the
‘Reconfigure CAL’ shortcut, it presents the ‘MICROS CAL Busy...
Obtaining a List of Available Servers’ window.
After the CAL collects the responding server(s), it presents the MICROS
CAL Select Server’ window. This window displays a list of responding
CAL severs along with the application type.
The CAL downloads the POS Application
When a server is selected, the CAL presents a list of workstations,
pre-programmed in the database. When a workstation is selected from
the list, the CAL downloads the POS application and support files, then
updates the registry.
Stand-alone CAL
For a Workstation 5 running the e7 application in stand-alone mode (no
server), a modified version of the CAL script is used to load the
application from a USB thumb drive attached to an IO panel connector.