MI 2892 Power Master
Recording Practice and Instrument Connection
Figure 4.32: Remote instrument connection to Metrel Server established (Step 3)
Step 4: Remote Instrument connection to PowerView v3.0
After first three steps were successfully finished, Power Mater instrument will automatically connect to
the PowerView v3.0 via VPN connection, made through Metrel server and establish connection.
If Remote Instrument connection to PowerView v3.0 was successful, a green icon and “CONNECTED”
status will appear between “Router/Proxy/ISP” and “Remote Instrument” icon, as shown on figure
below. This window can now be closed as it is not needed any more. and it should be proceeded to
remote instrument access described in following sections.
In case if connection drops status “ERROR” or “WAITING” will appear in PowerView remote connection
window. Connection will be automatically restored and started operation will continue.