Section 5 - Maintenance
90-899883154 JANUARY 2008
Page 73
Task Interval
Maintenance to Be Performed
Every 200 hours or 3
Inspect the U‑joints, the splines, and the bellows. Check the clamps.
Check the engine alignment.
Lubricate the U‑joint splines and cross bearing, if equipped with grease
Lubricate the gimbal bearing and the engine coupler.
NOTE: Lubricate the engine coupler every 50 hours if operated at idle for
prolonged periods of time.
Every 300 hours or 3
Check the engine mounts for tightness and tighten to specifications if
Inspect the condition of the spark plugs, spark plug wires, and the distributor
cap and rotor, if equipped. Replace as necessary. If the condition of these
components is satisfactory at inspection, repeat inspection every 100 hours
or once a year, whichever occurs first.
Check the electrical system for loose, damaged, or corroded fasteners.
Check the cooling system and the exhaust system hose clamps for tightness.
Inspect both systems for damage or leaks.
Disassemble and inspect the seawater pump and replace worn components.
Clean the seawater section of the closed‑cooling system. Clean, inspect,
and test the pressure cap.
Inspect the exhaust system components. If the package was equipped with
water shutters (flapper valves), verify that they are not missing or worn.
Every 5 years
Replace the coolant/anitifreeze. Replace every two years if not using
extended‑life coolant/antifreeze.
Maintenance Log
Record all maintenance performed on your power package here. Be sure to save all work
orders and receipts.
Maintenance Performed
Engine Hours