Section 3 - On The Water
Page 52
90-899883154 JANUARY 2008
Item Control
a "NEUTRAL" lights
Illuminate when the transmission is in the neutral gear position. The
lights flash when the engine is in throttle only mode.
b Not used
Allows boat control to be transferred to a different helm. Refer to Helm
d "DOCK"
Reduces throttle capacity to approximately 50% of normal throttle.
Allows the boat operator to increase engine RPM for warm‑up without
shifting the transmission into gear.
Enables the throttle and shift functions of both engines to be
controlled by the port lever.
g "SYNC"
Turns off or on the auto‑synchronization feature. Refer to
Synchronizing Engines.
h "+" (increase) and "–" (decrease) Increases and decreases settings for various functions, like cruise
control speed.
NOTE: Not all functions may be active.
Dock mode reduces the RPM throughout the range by 50%. Dock mode also reduces
available power when the joystick is enabled, allowing finer control of engine power in close
quarter situations.
"DOCK" button
To engage Dock mode:
1. Place both ERC levers in neutral.
2. Press the "DOCK" button located on the DTS Trackpad attached to the ERC levers.
3. The "DOCK" button light turns on.
4. Place either ERC lever into gear.
5. The engines raise the RPM at a proportionally lower RPM for the ERC lever position,
and with half the usually available power.
To disengage Dock mode:
NOTE: Dock only disengages with the levers in a detent.
1. Bring both ERC levers to any detent.
2. Press the "DOCK" button. The "DOCK" button light turns off.