Further information about Mercedes me connect
services can be obtained in the Mercedes me Por-
tal: https://me.secure.mercedes-benz.com
Information on Mercedes me connect Accident
and Breakdown Management
The Accident and Breakdown Management can,
amongst others, include the following functions:
Supplement to the Emergency Call System
page 226)
If necessary, the contact person at the
Mercedes-Benz emergency call center for-
wards the call to Mercedes me connect Acci-
dent and Breakdown Management. However,
call forwarding is not possible in all countries.
Breakdown assistance on location by a techni-
cian and/or towing away of the vehicle to the
nearest authorized Mercedes-Benz Center
You may be charged for these services.
Supplement to the emergency guide after auto-
matic accident or breakdown detection
page 180)
In the event of a breakdown or accident, exten-
ded vehicle data is sent, enabling optimum
support from the Mercedes-Benz Customer
Center and the appointed service partner or
breakdown mechanic.
If available: addition to the Mercedes me con-
nect Telediagnostics service
With the Telediagnostics function, the service
provider records certain wear and failure mes-
sages, insofar as these can be clearly interpre-
ted and are available by monitoring diagnosa-
ble components.
If your vehicle detects a breakdown or impend-
ing breakdown, you may be prompted via the
multimedia system to contact the Mercedes-
Benz Customer Center for further assistance.
This prompt in the multimedia system only
appears when the vehicle is stationary.
These services are subject to technical restric-
tions such as mobile coverage and mobile net-
work quality and the interpretability of the
transmitted data in the processing systems.
Under certain circumstances, this may result
in delays or omission of the message in the
multimedia system.
Further information about Mercedes me connect
services can be obtained in the Mercedes me Por-
tal: https://me.secure.mercedes-benz.com
Data transferred during Mercedes me connect call
The data transferred during the Mercedes me con-
nect call depends on:
The reason for the initiation of the call
The service selected in the voice dialog system
The activated Mercedes me connect services
The data which is transferred is listed in the cur-
rently valid terms of use and data protection infor-
mation of Mercedes me connect. These can be
found at: https://www.mercedes.me under "My
Mercedes me account", "Terms of use".
To use the services, registration in the
Mercedes me Portal must have been carried
The terms of use for Mercedes me connect
services have been agreed to.
The vehicle and user account are linked to one
When you log in with a user account to the
Mercedes me Portal, then services and offers from
Mercedes-Benz will be available to you.
Please note that product scopes can vary
depending on the model series, year of pro-
duction and equipment, as well as between
private and commercial user accounts.
Availability is country-dependent.
For more information consult an authorized
Mercedes-Benz Center or visit the Mercedes me
Portal: https://me.secure.mercedes-benz.com
Make sure that you always keep the Mercedes
me Apps up to date.
Calling up a Mercedes me user account
Multimedia system:
Mercedes me & Apps
Vehicle is linked to user account
Mercedes me
Information about the linked user account
Mercedes me 183