MI 850A374 1 A
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Command response
A command response will be returned in the
Command Response
The response consists of a message type, an error or message
number and the request command code all OR’ed together. When
reading a parameter the value of the parameter will be returned
in the
Command Response Parameter
register. The
Response Parameter
is an uint32; you will need to cast this to the
appropriate data type for the parameter as listed in the
command/parameter chart in section 8.6.1.
Command response register
Read or write
Error or message number
Message type
The Message type can be one of the following:
0x0XXX XXXX = Idle
0x1XXX XXXX = Complete, no errors
0x2XXX XXXX = Error
0x4XXX XXXX = Message
0x8XXX XXXX = Busy
The Error number can be one of the following:
0xXX00 XXXX = No Error
0xXX01 XXXX = Signal too large at maximum tension
0xXX02 XXXX = Signal too small
0xXX03 XXXX = Roll Weight exceeds 90 percent of ADC value
0xXX04 XXXX = Calibration tension greater than maximum tension
0xXX05 XXXX = Maximum tension exceeds load cell rating
0xXX06 XXXX = not used
0xXX07 XXXX = not used
0xXX08 XXXX = Another command is running
0xXX09 XXXX = Invalid command request
0xXX0A XXXX = Not Displaying Tension
0xXX0B XXXX = Passwords not equal
0xXX0C XXXX = Passwords do not match stored password or backdoor
0xXX0D XXXX = System Locked by password
0xXX0E XXXX = Invalid password, range = 0 – 9999
0xXX0F XXXX = Parameter not in range