Matec Applied Sciences
56 Hudson St., Northborough MA 01532 Ph: (508) 393-0155x321 Fax: (508) 393-5476 e:[email protected]
L – The wavelength of the light energy (in nm) produced by the diffraction grating
in the absorbance detector.
AU – The calculated level of absorbance based on the following equation:
Where K is configured as a constant of the instrument optics at the time of the Autozero
function. K is held constant throughout a given separation while the values of REF and
SMP are continuously monitored to compute the value of AU.
Rotate the selector knob to vary L (in 1-nm increments) while you monitor the changes in
REF, SMP, and AU values.
Press the selector knob to return to the Run Diagnostics screen.
AU (Absorbance) = Log K
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