Lucent Technologies 415B Battery Plant for 4ESS
Issue 6 September 1999
System Testing 5 - 27
4. If the offset cannot be adjusted properly, refer to the
calibration and/or repair procedure in the product manual
that is shipped with the EGCM.
Checking High
and Low Alarm
Set Points
Alarm set points can be checked by pressing the POSITIVE and
NEGATIVE alarm test buttons located on the display unit.
Holding the test button down will change the current reading at
a fast rate. Tapping the button will change the value slowly.
1. Hold the POSITIVE test button down until the current
2. Eventually the high alarm set point is exceeded.
3. Verify that when the set point is exceeded, the red alarm is
lit and an alarm is issued.
4. Verify the integrity of the alarm to the 4ESS
scan point.
5. Hold the NEGATIVE test button down until the reading is
below the low alarm set point.
6. Verify that when the set point is exceeded, the red alarm is
lit and an alarm is issued.
7. After the test button is released, the display current will
gradually return to the actual current reading.
Life Test
Note: This test will take at least 16 hours.
1. Be sure to follow the safety practices recommended in this
2. Upon completion of all of the above tests, connect a test
load set to 0 amperes to the plant.
3. Turn on all rectifiers and verify that the plant voltage is set
to 151.9 volts.
4. Set the load to 140 amperes per rectifier.
5. Record the plant voltage. Verify that it is within 0.7 volts
of the setting in Step 3.