Lucent Technologies 415B Battery Plant for 4ESS
4 - 10 System Installation
Issue 6 September 1999
3. Prepare an appropriate length of 1/0, stranded, green-color
cable and half-tap this cable to the ground cable in
proximity to the EGCM.
4. Install the EGCM on the cable rack above the Control and
Distribution Bay in a location where the display can be
easily observed.
5. Pass the 1/0, stranded, green cable through the sensor
opening and connect it to the plant discharge return bus
6. Verify that continuity exists in the half-tapped cable from
the half-tap to ground.
7. Use the KS-21652 L3 Cover to cover the half-tap.
8. The ground fault monitor is connected to the Galaxy BJT1
board. Connections are from TB3 of Galaxy to TB1 of the
EGCM. This supplies the 48 volts needed to power the
EGCM. Connect the red wire from Pin 46 of the TB3
terminal block of the Galaxy to the EGCM terminal
labeled “-48V RTN”. Connect the black wire from the
discharge return bus to the “-48VDC” terminal on TB1 of
the EGCM. This connection is made to a 0.25" spade,
quick-connect terminal located on the discharge return bus.
a. The ABS2 circuit must be protected by a 1-1/3
ampere fuse in the BJF4 fuse board.
b. A red, 20 AWG wire is used to c48 volts to
the EGCM from the Galaxy, and a black 20 AWG is
used to connect the -48Vdc return to the EGCM
from the discharge return bus.
9. Four independent sets of alarm contacts are provided at
Terminal Strip TB2 on the EGCM. These must be
connected to alarm points as specified by the engineer and/
or the customer.
10. Allow fifteen minutes warm-up time, then verify the
display reading by comparison with a digital clamp-on
ammeter reading of the ground current. Adjust the offset
control multi-turn potentiometer on the front of the control