Lucent Technologies 415B Battery Plant for 4ESS
4 - 6 System Installation
Issue 6 September 1999
Rectifier and AC
Connections between the ac cabinet and the rectifiers are
6-gauge for 480Vac service. The connections for the 208 or 240
Vac are 4-gauge. The installer must follow all local municipal
codes and NEC codes and requirements. Figure 4-6 shows the
connection of the ac to the rectifier.
Connect the appropriate gauge wire to the rectifier from the ac
cabinet, per job specifications. Lugs for connecting to the
rectifier are located in the hardware kits. (Refer to T-83360-30,
Sheet D2 for appropriate connectors.)
Rectifier Output
Use two 4/0 cables for the output of the rectifier to the Control
and Distribution Bay, one for the + output, and one for the return.
When Group 23 is ordered, the 4/0 cable is supplied with the
ladder rack for each rectifier.
Refer to sheet D3 of the H569-429 drawing for connections in
the Control and Distribution Bay. Each bus bar is marked as
Charge Bus, Charge Return, or Discharge Return Bus.
All rectifier alarms are prewired at the factory. Office alarms
should be connected to the rear of the Galaxy Controller. Form
C contacts are provided from the Galaxy Controller with
Normally Closed (NC) or Normally Open (NO) contacts. Refer
Figure 4-6: Connecting the AC to the Rectifier
(K1 Contactor)
Connection to
K1 Contactor
Inside Rectifier
3 Phase AC
Input Breaker
at AC Distribution
Be sure the rectifier’s output breaker is Off. Be sure no
control cables are connected to the rectifier.