Lucent Technologies 415B Battery Plant for 4ESS
Issue 6 September 1999
Safety 3 - 3
When servicing the rectifier, disconnect the ac service and
the dc battery buses. Use extreme caution when handling
the battery bus cables since these cables may transmit
hazardous currents from the batteries. The disconnected
charge battery and charge ground connectors (cables) must
be taped adequately to prevent them from contacting each
other or any other metal surface. (Refer to 140V Rectifier
product manual.)
DC capacitors in the rectifier and distribution have bleeder
resistors and will discharge after power has been
disconnected. Always check all of the dc capacitor
terminals with a voltmeter before performing any
procedure. Wait at least five minutes after shutting down ac
and circuit breaker of the rectifier (CB1) before working on
capacitors or associated bus work.
Circuit breakers in the rectifier and distribution frames are
referenced to the non-grounded side of the 140Vdc.
Therefore, some of these circuits may contain hazardous
voltages with respect to ground (earth ground and
equipment frame). Test circuits before touching and
disconnect all connectors (even before removing protective
covers). Make sure all protective covers are put back in
Personal Safety
Always observe these precautions when working on or using this
type of equipment.
Wear rubber gloves while working on live equipment.
Use only properly insulated tools.
Remove all metallic objects (key chains, glasses, rings,
watches, or other jewelry).
Wear safety glasses.
Test circuits before touching.
Lock out and tag any circuit breakers/fuses, when possible,
to prevent accidental turn on.
Be aware of potential hazards in the area in which you are
working before entering the equipment.
Identify exposed hazardous electrical potentials on
connectors, wiring, etc. (note the condition of these circuits,
especially any wiring).