Lucent Technologies 415B Battery Plant for 4ESS
Issue 6 September 1999
Retrofit of 415A Battery Plant 7 - 65
c. Press ENTER to store and save the information.
Note: Pressing ESCAPE returns the screen one level.
2. Place all rectifiers on line at float voltage and apply full
load. Record plant voltage. In ten minutes a rectifier will
turn off. Record plant voltage.
3. Decrease the load to 90% of two rectifiers or 240 amperes.
In ten minutes another rectifier will turn off. Record plant
voltage. (Skip this step if there are three rectifiers in the
4. Decrease the load to 90% of one rectifier, about 120
amperes. In ten minutes another rectifier will turn off.
Record plant voltage.
Note: One rectifier remains on at this point.
5. Increase the load to 160 amperes. A second rectifier turns
on immediately. Record plant voltage.
6. Increase the load to 300 amperes. A third rectifier turns on
immediately. Record plant voltage.
7. Decrease load to 120 amperes. Wait until only one rectifier
is on. Record plant voltage.
8. Apply 80% of rectifier capacity to the plant. All rectifiers
turn on. Record plant voltage. Remove load. Record plant
9. Review all of the plant voltage readings taken in this
section. All readings should be within ± 0.7 volts of 151.9
Frame Shunt
Note: Skip this test if using existing ABCs.
Before performing these tests:
Be sure that no telecommunication loads are being powered
from the Power Distribution Frame.
Using EasyView, configure the RPMs that are connected.
Have access to 1-ampere and 20-ampere test loads.