Lucent Technologies 415B Battery Plant for 4ESS
Issue 6 September 1999
Retrofit of 415A Battery Plant 7 - 1
Retrofit of 415A Battery Plant
This section describes the installation, testing, operation, and
maintenance instructions for retrofitting the 415A battery plant.
Three retrofit configurations are shown in Figure 7-1 and are
defined in the following paragraphs:
Configurations 1 and 2 use the H569-429 Group 3 frame for
paralleling the alarms to the 415A plant. The Group 3 frame is
equipped with a six-rectifier alarm panel, a 415B Galaxy
Controller, and a 140/48-volt converter for powering the
controller. The 415B Galaxy Controller controls the J87132B-2
ferroresonant rectifiers and communicates the alarms to the
415A controller. However, the controller from the 415A plant
will not communicate its alarms to the 415B Galaxy Controller.
Configurations 1 and 2 have the same setup, except that the
second configuration uses two rectifiers instead of one.
Configuration 1 can also be used to increase the capacity of the
415A module by 140 amperes by using one rectifier. Using
Configuration 2 that adds two rectifiers can increase the power
capacity by 280 amperes. The connections are identical for
installation and testing; however, the bus bar provided in the
H569-429 hardware kit would be installed in the 415A
distribution rectifier 3 position. The two 4/0 cables provided in
H569-429 Group 24 would be connected from the rectifiers to
the 415B distribution and the 350MCM would be used to
connect to the 3rd rectifier fuse position of the 415A distribution.
The 415A distribution cabinet must have a position three
rectifier module to connect the 350MCM for increasing
the capacity.