Lucent Technologies 415B Battery Plant for 4ESS
1 - 2 Introduction
Issue 6 September 1999
The 415B Battery Plant is usually used to power a 4ESS
switch, but it can be used for any high power, 140-volt plant.
Two complete plants are required.
Installation and
Refer to the appropriate sections in the product manuals for
installation procedures for the H569-429 Control and
Distribution Bay, the Galaxy Controller, the J87132B-2
Ferroresonant Rectifier, and the J85568D-1 Power Distribution
Frame (PDF). These manuals, along with other documentation,
are listed in the “Documentation References” portion of Section
Figure 1-1: 415B Battery Plant
PDF #1
PDF #2
PDSC A2 or B2
Rect. #4
Rect. #3
Rect. #1
Rect. #2
A1 or B1
Control and Distribution Bay
(Power Board) Including
Galaxy Controller
Floor Mounted Power Distribution
Service Cabinets (AC Distribution
Cabinets). Wall mounted version
also available.
140V / 140A Rectifiers
Remote Power Distribution
Frames (PDF)
Battery Switches
PDF Panel 3
(provides power for
meter and frame
alarm light)
Two identical battery plants, similar to that in the figure, are required. One is called the A plant and
one the B plant.
A maximum of three battery strings (not shown) connect to the C&D Bay.
Also not shown, an Enhanced Ground Current Monitor (EGCM) that monitors the ground current in
the central office ground conductor. There are separate EGCMs for the A plant and the B plant.