Lucent Technologies 415B Battery Plant for 4ESS
4 - Table of Contents
Issue 6 September 1999
Configuration 1 (Adding One Rectifier)
Configuration 2 (Adding Two Rectifiers)
Configuration 3 (Adding a 5-Rectifier Plant)
Group 3 (Configurations 1 and 2, Adding 1
Group 4 or 5 (Configuration 3, Adding a
Retrofit System Installation and Testing for One or
Mounting Brackets on Control and Distribution Bay 7 - 13
Bolting Hardware
Retrofit Connections for the Group 3 to the 415A
System (Adding One or Two Rectifiers)
Rectifier Output Connections for One Rectifier
Testing for Group 3 (One or Two Rectifiers)
Simulated Plant-Rectifier Interface Tests Using
System Installation and Testing for Retrofit
Mounting Brackets on Control and Distribution Bay 7 - 32