Basic configuration
The controller can be controlled via terminals (X5 and X6), a fieldbus module at X1, the system bus
(X4) or by a combination of these.
Under the fourth digit of code C0005 you can select the interface used to control the controller.
Example: C0005 = 1005
This configuration corresponds to speed control with control via the system bus (CAN).
If you want to control further FB inputs via an interface, you first have to
assign "control objects" to the FB inputs to be controlled depending on the interface that is
used (see chapter 2.3.3):
– Free control codes
for control via LECOM A/B/LI (RS232, RS485 or optical fibre interface) or operating module.
– AIF objects
for control, e.g. via INTERBUS or PROFIBUS−DP.
– CAN objects
for control via system bus.
After this, the inputs can be controlled via these codes or input objects by accessing them via
the interface.
Example: Distributing control to terminals and RS232:
The main speed setpoint in configuration C0005=1000 shall be controlled via LECOM A/B/LI. All
other inputs continue to be controlled via terminals.
1. Select C0780 via LECOM:
– C0780 is the configuration code for the main setpoint NSET−N in the function block "Speed
setpoint conditioning" (NSET).
2. Assign a free control code via the selection number:
– E.g. 19515 (control code C0141).
The main speed setpoint is now controlled via C0141.