12: Maintenance
SLC™ 8000 Advanced Console Manager User Guide
You can optionally email the displayed information.
To display a report of network connections:
diag netstat [protocol <all|tcp|udp>] [email <Email Address>]
You can optionally email the displayed information.
To resolve a host name into an IP address:
diag lookup <Hostname> [email <Email Address>]
You can optionally email the displayed information.
To test a device port by transmitting data out the port and verifying that it is received
diag loopback <Device Port Number or Name>[<parameters>]
test <internal|external>
xferdatasize <Size In Kbytes to Transfer>
Default is 1 Kbyte.
A special loopback cable comes with the SLC unit. To test a device port, plug the
cable into the device port and run this command. The command sends the specified
Kbytes to the device port and reports success or failure. The test is performed at 9600
baud. Only an external test requires a loopback cable.
To display the route that packets take to get to a network host:
diag traceroute <IP Address or Hostname>
To verify that the host is up and running:
diag ping|ping6 <IP Address or Name> [<parameters>]
ethport <1|2> count <Number of Times to Ping>
The default is 5.
packetsize <Size in Bytes>
The default is 64.
To display performance statistics for an Ethernet port or a device port (averaged over the
last 5 seconds):
diag perfstat [ethport <1|2>] [deviceport <Device Port # or Name>]
To generate and send Ethernet packets:
diag sendpacket host <IP Address or Name> port <TCP or UDP Port Number>
[string <Packet String>] [protocol <tcp|udp>] [count <Number of