Installation Manual
Installation - Page 2-1
Revision F
July 18, 2013
Section 2
The information and instructions provided in this manual are directed toward fixed-wing aircraft.
Installation must be made by qualified personnel, in conformance with applicable government
regulations. The information furnished is for convenience only.
Installing SKY899 on float-equipped aircraft can result in degraded
performance. Contact Field Service Engineering at 1-800-453-0288 or 1-
616-949-6600 for guidance before proceeding with installation.
The conditions and test required for TSO approval of this article are
minimum performance standards. It is the responsibility of those
installing this article either on or within a specific type or class of aircraft
to determine that the aircraft installation conditions are within the TSO
standards. The article may be installed only if the installation is
performed in accordance with Part 43 or the applicable airworthiness
Installation instructions for the WX-1000 processor are detailed in the WX-1000 Installation Manual.
(unless otherwise indicated):
Angles are
± .5 Degrees
.00 Two Place Decimals are
± .01
.000 Three Place Decimals are
± .005
The display and TRC are sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD) and
may be damaged if not handled correctly. Do not remove protective
covers from electrical connectors during unpacking. Touching an
exposed connector may cause electrostatic damage to equipment.
Carefully unpack the system and note any damage to shipping containers or equipment. Visually inspect
each component for evidence of damage. Compare the equipment received with that noted on the packing
list. Immediately report any missing items or evidence of damage to the carrier making the delivery. To
justify a claim, retain the original shipping container and all packing materials.
Every effort should be made to retain the original shipping containers for storage. If the original
containers are not available, a separate cardboard container should be prepared that is large enough to
accommodate sufficient packing material to prevent movement. The ambient temperature of the storage
area should not fall below -55 Degrees C (-67 Degrees F) or rise above 85 Degrees C (185 Degrees F).
The document reference is online, please check the correspondence between the online documentation and the printed version.