Installation Manual
Page C-4 - Appendix C
July 18, 2013
Revision F
Return to the Service Menu (paragraph 4.4) and select Information.
From the Information menu, select Data Monitor. The Data Monitors menu will appear.
10. Select each of the data monitors and verify the sensor information is correct (see paragraph
Change the status of the extended audio switch, landing gear, squat switch, altitude, and heading
sensors. Verify data monitors show the correct input changes (i.e., sensing of these signals).
If the information is not correct, the sensor has failed to communicate with the TRC. Check
operation of the sensor and connections between the TRC and sensor.
Select exit until you return to the Service Menu.
11. Do SKY899 self test (paragraph 3.4).
12. From the Service Menu, select Ground Test (see paragraph 4.4.4).
13. From Ground Test menu, select Perform Ground Test.
14. Verify operation of range function. Soft-key (3) is labeled to indicate the current range. Press soft-
key (3) to toggle the display range between 2, 6 and 15 nm.
15. Select the 6 nautical mile range.
16. Verify that the system toggles through the altitude display modes. Soft-key (2) is labeled to indicate
the current mode. Press Soft-key (2) to toggle between normal (NRM), below (BLW), above (ABV),
and unrestricted (UNR).
17. Select the NRM (normal) mode.
18. Position the aircraft with the nose aligned on any 90 degree heading. Avoid areas within 250 ft of
obstructions (e.g., hangers, large aircraft, control towers, etc.) where there is a potential for multipath
problems. Locate and mark test points, every 30 degrees (i.e., at 000, 030, 060, 090, 120, 150, 180,
210, 240, 270, 300, and 330 degrees with respect to the SKY899 directional antenna). Mark these
points at the same distance, approximately 100 ft (or less), from the aircraft.
19. Do the following static tests:
Connect the TCAS-201 Flat Antenna (facing towards the test aircraft) to the antenna connector.
At the TCAS-201 test set, press the REPLY TEST key.
Initiate the REPLY TEST by pressing the ANTENNA push button switch or the RUN/STOP
The TCAS-201 display will indicate “NO WHISPER-SHOUT
Verify that the SKY899 display shows other traffic symbol (open diamond) at the 12 O'clock
position (±30 degrees), approximately 5.0 nm, in level flight, and at an altitude of 500 ft above
own aircraft (i.e., "+05").
The document reference is online, please check the correspondence between the online documentation and the printed version.