Installation Manual
Appendix G - Page G-1
Revision F
July 18, 2013
Appendix G
Permission to use STC SA01552CH-D for
Raytheon C90
Consistent with FAA Order 8110.4C and AC21-40, L-3 Communications Avionics Systems, Inc.
(hereafter L-3 Avionics Systems) grants permission to L-3 Avionics Systems dealers, installers, and
owners of the SKYWATCH
HP SKY899 Traffic Avoidance System and associated equipment to use
this STC and the data associated with it, for the sole purpose of installation and approval of the
HP SKY899 System on the aircraft associated with the listed STC. Figure G-1 is a copy
of the STC cover page.
For additional assistance or information call L-3 Avionics Systems, Customer Service (1-800-453-0288
or 1-616-949-6600).
The document reference is online, please check the correspondence between the online documentation and the printed version.