Installation Manual
General Information - Page 1-3
Revision F
July 18, 2013
The SKY899 System consists of the following main components:
Transmitter Receiver Computer
System Configuration Module
WX-1000/SKY497 Display (or alternate display)
Directional Antenna NY156 or NY164 (depending on TCAS I or TAS installation)
SKY899 is an active system that operates as an aircraft-to-aircraft interrogation device. The SKY899
equipment interrogates transponders in the surrounding airspace similar to ground based radar. When
replies to these active interrogations are received, the responding aircraft’s range, altitude, and closure
rates are computed to plot traffic location and predict collision threats. The effective active range is
approximately 35 nmi. The SKY899 does not transmit ADS-B information, in order to transmit your
aircraft position you must have a mode S transponder capable of ADS-B interrogations.
Figure 1-1 shows the typical vertical display modes and traffic zones used to display intruding aircraft.
The SKY899 listens for traffic in a vertical zone of ±10,000 ft and a horizontal range of up to 35 nmi. A
simplified block diagram of the system and their relationships is shown in Figure 1-2.
Figure 1-1: Typical Vertical Display Modes and Traffic Zones
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