Repeating Automatically or Selecting Repeating Times
(Repeat: AUTO/ Repeat Mode)
Auto Detection mode will automatically set the equal repeat area to the size of the
original placed onto the platen glass by activating Non-image area erase. Repeat mode
will scan the image area specified by the selected copy size and mode (2 Repeat, 4
Repeat, or 8 Repeat), then arrange the image by specified times in one copy sheet.
>>>Auto Detection/ Repeat Mode Specifications<<<
Auto Detection Mode: Use the platen glass. RADF cannot be used.
Repeat Mode Magnification ratio: 1.00 (100 %) fixed
Incompatible Conditions with Auto Detection Mode
Using RADF, 2
2, 2
1, APS, AMS, Rotation, Group, Rotation Sort, Rotation Group,
Mixed Original, Z-Folded Original, Sheet/Cover Insertion, Chapter, Combination,
Booklet, Transparency Interleave, Image Insert, Book Copy, Reverse Image, Frame/
Fold Erasure, AUTO Layout, All-image Area, Reduce & Shift in Image Shift, Stamp/
Incompatible Conditions with Repeat Mode
APS, AMS, Rotation (if magnification is changed from 1.00), Group, Rotation Sort,
Rotation Group, Mixed Original, Z-Folded Original, Chapter, Combination, Booklet,
Transparency Interleave, Image Insert, Book Copy, Non-Image Area Erase,
Reverse Image, Frame/Fold Erasure, AUTO Layout, Reduce & Shift in Image
Shift, Overlay, Overlay Memory
Auto Detection mode
Repeat mode
(2 Repeat)
(4 Repeat)
(8 Repeat)