Chapter 3 Printer Driver
3-6 Print Controller INSTRUCTION MANUAL
Setting details of each tab
[General] tab
Enables a print test of a printer.
[Details] tab
Performs settings related to ports, drivers, timeout and spooling.
[Sharing] tab
Performs share settings of a printer.
[Paper] tab
Performs settings related to Copies, Collate, Orientation, Paper Size, Paper Source, Duplex
and Output Tray.
[Graphics] tab
Performs settings related to Halftoning, Brightness, Contrast and Negative.
[Options] tab
Performs settings related to Layout and True Type options.
[Watermarks] tab
For watermark settings.
[Overlay] tab
Performs settings related to Symbol, Shade, Size, and Position.
[Setup] tab
Performs settings related to optional accessories and installed memory.
[About] tab
This tab is used to show version information of the Printer Driver.