Kolida KTS440 L Series Manual Download Page 131





transformed to .txt format. 




                  Operating Procedure 




  Select “1. JOB” in the “Memory Mode 

Screen” and press ENT (or press numeric key 1), 

the “JOB Management Screen” is displayed.   


“1. JOB” 




Mem./ JOB (1)   

1        JOB selection   
2.      Coord. read JOB 
3.      JOB    Export 
4.      Coord.    import 
5.      Comms Output 


  Select “3. JOB Export” then press ENT 

(or press numeric key 3).




“3. JOB   





Select a job 

Job :                          J0B1 


  LIST                                              OK 


Then input the filename. 


Or press LIST to enter Job list and choose job. 

Then press ENT. 








File output 

Job:                        JOB2 

  LIST                                  OK               

* JOB01                                    20 
* JOB02                                      8 


ATTR        SRCH      EXIT      P1   


The operation as right   




From A \ job. Job 
To      B: \ JOB. TXT             



(5)Finish the imputting and return to previous 



Mem./ JOB (1)   

1        JOB selection   
2.      Coord. read JOB 
3.      JOB    Export 
4.      Coord.    import 
5.      Comms Output 


Summary of Contents for KTS440 L Series

Page 1: ...ection 23 7 3DisplayIllumination 25 7 4Setting the Instrument Options 25 7 5Setting Instrument Constant 28 7 6Setting LCD Contrast 29 7 7SettingDate andTime 29 7 8Explanations 31 PART 2 BASIC MEASUREMENTS 32 8 ANGLE MEASUREMENT 32 8 1Measuring theHorizontalAngleBetweenTwoPoints HorizontalAngle 0 32 8 1 1 Example Measuring theHorizontalAngle betweenTwoPoints 33 8 2Setting theHorizontalCircleto aReq...

Page 2: ...ent 60 11 4Distance MeasurementParameters Setting 62 12 OFFSETMEASUREMENT 64 12 1Single DistanceOffset Measurement 65 12 2AngleOffset Measurement 67 12 3Two DistanceOffset Measurement 70 13 MISSING LINE MEASUREMENT 72 13 1MeasuringtheDistancebetween MultipleTargets 73 13 1 1 Measuring the distancebetween multiple targets 73 13 1 2Slopein between2 points 74 13 2Changing the StartingPoint 75 14 REM ...

Page 3: ...tout 121 PART 4 DATARECORDING 124 20 SETTING IN MEMORYMODE 124 20 1JOB Selection 125 20 1 1CurrentJOB Selection 125 20 1 2CheckMemoryStatus 126 20 1 3Createnew workingjob 127 20 1 4Change the jobname 128 20 1 5DelectJob 129 20 1 6CoordinateSelection 130 20 1 7JobExport 130 20 1 8CoordinateImport 133 20 1 9Comms output 133 20 1 10Comms input 134 20 1 11Transfer coord datato job 135 20 2Import Known...

Page 4: ...OPTIONS SELECTION 159 22 KEYFUNCTIONALLOCATION 159 22 1AllocationandRegistration 160 22 1 1Allocating functions 161 22 1 2Registering an allocation 163 22 2RecallinganAllocation 164 23 INSTRUMENTPARAMETERS SETTING 164 23 1Changing InstrumentParameters 164 PART 6 CHECKINGANDADJUSTMENT 168 24 1PlateVial 168 24 2Circular Level 168 24 3Inclination ofReticle 168 24 4Perpendicularityof Collimation Line ...


Page 6: ...a stored in it otherwise the surveying data canbe damaged 1 MB space in SD card maycontains 15 000 data 3 Powerful MemoryManagement Verylarge memoryand the enhanced file management systemcan help youeasily realize thefunction of addition deletion modification and transmission of the data 4 AbsoluteEncodingCircle With absolute encoding system measurement can be started immediatley after booting up ...

Page 7: ... drybefore closing thecase 8 No used for a long time seperate the batteryfrom the instrument and store them respectively The batteryshould be chargedonce amonth 9 Cleanexposed optical parts with degreasedcotton or lens tissue only 10 During transporting the instrument should be placed in its carrying case It will be better to place some cushion around thecaseto keepthe instrument fromthe damageof ...

Page 8: ...elated course and authenticated are allowed to install adjust and operatethis kind oflaser instrument b Relevant laser warningsymbols should be easilyidentified within theoperating range c Prevent anyperson to lookstraight ator useoptical instrument to observe the laser beam d To prevent the harm caused by laser block the laser beam at the end of the working route When the laser beam exceeds the l...

Page 9: ...9 3 NOMENCLATURE ...

Page 10: ...10 ...

Page 11: ...owerON Press POWER PowerOFF Press POWER for 3 seconds Light Key Press keyto turnON orOFFbacklight Soft Key The functions of soft keys are showed on the bottom of the display window of KTS 440R RC select these functionsbyusing F1 to F4 keys press FNC keyto view other functions inanotherpage For example the followingshows the initial settingof thesoftkeys displayed in MEAS mode Page1 ...

Page 12: ...et Operating Keys Name Function ESC Cancelpreviousoperation and return fromMEAS modeto StatusScreen FNC 1 Changepage 2 Enabletarget heightinputtingin staking out missingline and remotemeasurement SFT Turn SHIFTmodeONorOFF switchnumberinputand alphabetinput BS Deleteablankleft SP 1 SpacebarinIME Input Method Editor 2 Modifythedistancemeasurementparameter Movecursor selectoptionsup viewthepreviousda...

Page 13: ...and numerals Change between alphabetic and numerical entrybypressing SFT key An S is displayed on the right side of the screen whenin alphabet entrymode Alphabetentrymode SFT Numeral entrymode Entryin alphabet and numeral mode isperformed as follows Eg CharacterentryJOBM2 Procedure Operation Display Enter Alpha numeric input mode each key stands for three alphabets andonenumber Pressthekey thefirs...

Page 14: ...Verticalangle horizontal0 horizontal0 90 Slopein S Slopedistance H Horizontaldistance V Heightdifference HAR Horizontalangleright HAL Horizontalangleleft HAh Horizontalanglehold TiltanglecompensationON 7 MODE CONFIGURATION KTS440R RC operates in a series of modes depending on your measurement need This section explainsthe relationshipbetween thedifferent modesandpresents tables of the menus for ea...

Page 15: ...S 111 3742m 3 ZA 92 36 25 HAR 120 30 10 P1 SD SHV HSET EDM P 1 斜距 切换 置角 参数 2009 10 10 10 00 48 Model KTS440 RC No S129260 Version 09 10 10 Job A JOB01 JOB Meas Mem CNFG 1 Stationdata JOB01 2 Backsightdata 3 Angledata 4 Distancedata 5 Coord data 6 Dist and Coord data Menu 2 6 后方交会 7 角度复测 8 面积计算 9 道路设计与放样 Menu 1 1 Coordinate 2 Set out 3 Offset measurement 4 Missingline 5 Remotemeasurement 1 Observat...

Page 16: ...splayfinalmeasurementdata VIEW Displayobservationdatafortheselected JOB EDM Setting EDM atmospheric correction and target distance measurement mode setting COORD Coordinatesmeasurement S O Setting outmeasurement OFFSET Offsetmeasurement MENU To menu mode RESEC Resectionmeasurement D OUT Outputmeasurementresultto externalequipment F M Switch between meters feet AREA Areacalculation ROAD DesignandSe...

Page 17: ...datarecording View Reviewjobdata MemoryMode Name Function JOB JOBselectionand management Knowndata Known datainputandmanagement Code Codeinputand management Defineroads Designofroad date U disk mode connectPC Initialize Restorefactorysetting All file management andeditingof document Grid factor Grid factor ...

Page 18: ...ls and theheadis approximatelylevel Set the tripod so thecenter of thehead is directlyover the surveying point Step onthe tripod shoesto makesure the tripodis firmlyfixed onthe ground 2 Installing the instrumenton the tripod Place the instrument carefullyon the tripod head Supporting the instrument with one hand tighten the centering screw to fix it to the screw on the base plate of the instrument...

Page 19: ...le height ensure equal length of three legs spread and make tripod head parallel to the ground andplace it right above the measurement station point Propuptripodon the ground and fixone leg 2 Install instrument and collimate the point Set instrument carefully on tripod tighten the central connecting screw and adjust optical plummet to make the reticle distinctly Hold the other two unfixed legs wit...

Page 20: ...RMATION RECHARGING BatteryRemovalCaution Before taking the battery off make sure that the power is turned off Otherwise the instrument can be damage PROCEDURE Inserting the battery 1 Put thebatteryon the mainbodyof instrument 2 Press thelocking buttonson the topofbatteryto lock it PROCEDURE Removing the battery 1 Press theclamps onthe top ofthe battery 2 Takeoff battery Battery PowerRemaining Disp...

Page 21: ...atedly recharged 300 500 times Complete discharge of the battery may shorten its service life In order toget themaximum service life besureto rechargeit oncea month 4 REFLECTOR PRISMS During distance measurement a reflector prism needs to be placed at target place Reflector systems come with single prism and triple prisms which can be mounted with tribrach on a tripod or mounted on a prism pole Un...

Page 22: ...httheTelescope to the skyand rotate theeyepiece tube to make the reticleclear Collimate the target point with top of the triangle mark on the collimator Keep a certain distance betweeneye and thecollimator Makethe targetimage clearwith the telescopefocusing screw If there is parallax when your eye moves up down or left right that shows the diopter of eyepiece lens or focus is not adjusted well and...

Page 23: ...he symbol shownon the left is displayed every 3 seconds When it appears stop all work as quickly as possible shut off the power and charge the battery 7 2VerticalAngleTilt Correction When the tilt sensor works automatic correction of vertical angle is displayed due to not level instrument Press SFT and thenpress Toensure an exact angle measurement tilt sensors must be turned on Youchoose 2 axis Th...

Page 24: ...setup 5 Unit Select 1 Obs Condition andpress ENT orpressnumerickey1 Use or keyto align thecursorto thefourthline Tiltcrn use or tosetthetiltcorrection method Then press ENT to finish set Therearethreeoptions abouttiltcorrection Therearethreeoptions NO 1 axisand2 axis 1 Obs Condition ENT or or Condition C Rcrn No V obs Zenith Tiltcrn Yes H V Distmode HD Poweroff Off Press ESC toreturnto settingscre...

Page 25: ... outof rang disappears Tiltsensor 2 axis X outof range Y outof range OFF X ON XYON GRAPH When theelectronicbubbleiscentered thesystem goesbacktopreviousscreen Note For tilt correction refer to 7 8Explanations Tilt autocorrection For contents of leveling instrument please referto 2 Setupinstrument 7 3Display Illumination In dark places it ispossibleto illuminate the displayso it is easyto see PROCE...

Page 26: ...taldistance Sdist Heightdifference Vdist AutoPowerOff Auto poweroffafter30 min Switch ON OFFbykey Coordinatesformat N E Z E N Z Minimumangledisplay 0 1 1 5 10 Minimumdistance 0 1mm 1 mm KeyBeep On Off Angledeep On Off ResultofCoordinatemearsurement inFaceL R Equal Unequal Table2 Screen Setting Parameter Options FactorySetting CommsSetup Baudrate 1200b s 2400b s 4800b s 9600b s 19200b s 38400b s 57...

Page 27: ...ity ODD EVEN Stopbit 1bit 2bits Checksum No Yes Transfer USB COM Table3 Screen Setting Parameter Options FactorySetting Unit Temperature AirPressure hPa mmHg inchHg Angle DEG GON MIL Distance M meters Ft feet ...

Page 28: ... key 2 is also ok to enter instrumentconstantsettingscreen ThefirstrowisAdditiveconstant ThesecondrowisMultiplicationconstant 2 Instrument constant ENT Instr const Constant 30 mm Mulcons 0 ppm Enter the constant press ENT return to instrumentconstantsettingscreen Enter constant ENT Instr const 1 Vangle0point 2 Instr const 3 ContrastADJ Note The constant of the instrument has been strictlyset in th...

Page 29: ...en 2 Instrument constant ENT Instr const 1 V0 AXISCONST 2 V0Adjustment 3 Collimation 4 HorizontalAxis 5 Instr Const 6 ContrastAdj Select 3 Contrast ADJ press ENT Press numeric key 3 is also ok to enter contrast adjustmentscreen 3 Contrast ADJ ENT Contrastadjustment Level 6 Press F2 or F3 toadjustcontrast F2or F3 Contrastadjustment Level 5 Finished setting press ESC or ENT return to instrumentconst...

Page 30: ...6 Keyfunction Select 3 Date time press ENT Press numeric key 3 is also ok use or to select data and time options enter the date and time by using the numerical keys The year month day hour minute and second are all two digit numbers Eg sep 9 2009 20090901 2 30 17p m 143020 3 Date time ENT Date Time Date 2009 09 01 Time 143020 OK When entering is completed press OK return to configscreen OK 设 Confi...

Page 31: ... removed byrefocusing thereticle Power saving automatic cut off Tosave power power to the KTS 440 isautomaticallycut off if it is not operated for30 minutes It is possible to turn theautomatic power cut off functionON orOFFfunction Refer to 23 1Changing Instrument parameters Leveling by the tilt angledisplay It is possible to displaythe stateof tilt of the instrument graphicallyor numericallyand l...

Page 32: ...e0 8 2Setting theHorizontalAngleto aRequired value HorizontalAngleHold 8 3HorizontalAngleDisplaySelection Right Left 8 4HorizontalAngleRepetition 8 5Slopein Whenrecordingthe measurement data referto 17 2 RecordingAngleMeasurementData Check the following one moretime before measurement 1 The instrument is preciselyleveled 2 The batteryis fullycharged 3 The vertical circle indexinghas been completed...

Page 33: ...REC 8 1 1ExampleMeasuring theHorizontalAngle betweenTwo Points 1 2 PROCEDURE OperatingProcedure Operation Display Using thehorizontal clamp and thehorizontal tangent screw sight thebacksight point Fromthe MEAS mode page 2 menu press 0SET 0SET will flash so press 0SET again set the back sight directionto0 0SET 0SET Meas PC 30 PPM 0 3 ZA 89 59 25 HAR 0 00 00 P2 OSET CRD S O REC Sight the foresight p...

Page 34: ...ting 8 2 2Use HOLD to seta required directionvalue It is possible to use the horizontal angle hold function to set the horizontal angle of the sighting direction to a requiredangle OperatingProcedure Operation Display After sighting the target from the MEAS mode page 1 press HSET enter the known direction value The right angle and left angle are described as HAR and HAL HSET SetHangle HAR 000 00 5...

Page 35: ...o display the required direction value Press HOLD the key start flashing press HOLD again the HAR isinthehold status HOLD HOLD Meas PC 30 PPM 0 3 ZA 89 59 54 HAR 0 0 00 P1 SDIST SHV HOLD EDM Sight the target and press HOLD to unlock the angle set the sighting direction to the requireddirection value HOLD Meas PC 30 PPM 0 3 ZA 89 59 54 HAR 0 0 00 P1 SDIST SHV HOLD EDM 8 3 HorizontalAngleDisplay Sel...

Page 36: ...9 59 54 HAR 117 31 50 P1 SD SHV R L EDM Press R L horizontalangledisplayswitches from HAR to HAL HAL 360 HAR R L Meas PC 30 PPM 0 3 ZA 89 59 54 HAL 142 28 10 P1 SD SHV R L EDM 8 4 HorizontalAngleRepetition To find thehorizontal angle with greater precision performrepetition measurement In advance allocate the functionkeys to display REP Refer to 22 KeyFunctionAllocation Backsight point foresight p...

Page 37: ...t point OK Repetition Hah 40 00 00 Reps 1 Ave 40 00 00 HAh 40 00 00 TakeBS CE OK Sightingbacksightpoint press OK right screen isdisplayed Sighting backsight point OK Repetition Hah 40 00 00 Reps 1 Ave 40 00 00 HAh 0 00 00 TakeFS CE OK Sightingforesightpointandpress OK right screen isdisplayed Thecumulativevalueofthe horizontalangleisdisplayed on thesecond line Hah theaveragevalueofthehorizontalang...

Page 38: ...toreturnto theoriginal verticalangledisplay ZA Meas PC 30 PPM 0 3 V 0 00 HAR 17 31 50 P1 SD SHV HSET ZA Displayrange within 100 When parameter Vertical angleformat is set to Horizontal0 or Horizontal 0 90 ZA is displayed instead of VA 9 DISTANCE MEASUREMENT This section explainsthe following information aboutdistancemeasurement First complete the preparationsin 9 1 to9 2 inorder to performdistance...

Page 39: ...e the laser beam might not be reflected from the point at which the crosshairs are pointing Therefore it is recommended to verifythat the R laser is well collimated with the telescope line of sight Please refer to 24 11REFLECTORLESSEDM Donotcollimate the same target with 2 total stations simultaneously RedLaserDistance Measurement CooperatedwithReflective Foils The visible red laser beam can also ...

Page 40: ... each measurement method when a reflective prismis used Fine Measurement Accuracy 2 2PPM D mm D is the measuringdistance Measuring time 3 sec Minimumdisplay 1mm TrackingMeasurement Measuring time 1sec Minimumdisplay 10mm Settings for distance measurements Operation Display Press EDM inpage1ofMEAS mode Setthefollowingitems 1 Temperature 2 Airpressure 3 Atmosphericcorrection factorPPM 4 Prismconstan...

Page 41: ...p length 1mm Reflector type KTS440R series Total Station can be set infrared laser distance measurement and unvisible infrared distance measurement The reflector includes prism non prism and reflector sheet You can set by yourself according to your need KTS440 series Total Station has the infrared distance measurement function only and the prismshould match withthe prismconstant 9 2Laserdirectiona...

Page 42: ...ehasbeen set thedistancemeasurement modehasbeenselected 6 Thecenter of the target iscorrectlysight the light intensityof the returnedsignalis sufficiently high PROCEDURE S H Vselection and distance measurement OperatingProcedure Operation Display In thefirstpageofMEAS Mode press SHV to selectthedesireddistancemode Each time SHV ispressed thedistance measurementmodechanges S slopedistance H horizon...

Page 43: ...T SHV HSET EDM The distance and angle which are most recently measured remain stored in the memory until the power is turned off It is possible to display the measured values converted into the horizontal distance height difference and the slope distancebypressing SHV For the displaymethod see 9 4Review ofMeasuredData If the single measurement mode and N times N are selected measurement automatica...

Page 44: ...CL 2 N 1234 856 E 3445 988 Z 1223 778 SHV Eachtime SHV ispressed S slope distance H horizontaldistance V height difference aredisplayed alternately SHV RCL 1 H 0 089 m ZA 34 45 09 HAR 126 31 23 SHV Press ESC toreturnto MEAS mode ESC MEAS PC 30 PPM 0 3 S 1234 456m ZA 34 45 09 HAR 126 31 23 P1 SD SHV HSET EDM 9 5 OutputDatatoaComputer Thedataof distance measurement can bequicklyoutput to acomputer I...

Page 45: ... factor distancemeasurementmethod arerepresentedby aflashingdisplay Select 1 Distdata ENT Dist Dist PC 30 PPM 0 Fine s STOP Whendistancemeasurementiscompleted a shortbeep sounds andthemeasured distance data s verticalangle ZA andhorizontal angle HAR aredisplayed Thenthe measured databeginsbeingoutput When repeatfinemodeisselected press STOP key to stop theoutput Dist PC 30 PPM 0 S 1234 569 m 3 ZA ...

Page 46: ...oordinates setting Azimuth anglesetting For the coordinate measurement method see 7 4Setting the Instrument Options 10 1Entering InstrumentStationData Before coordinate measurement enter instrument station coordinates the instrument height target height Usea tape tomeasure the instrument heightandtarget height It is possible to setcoordinatedata into instrument It is possible to record the set ins...

Page 47: ...tationdata For themethodofsettingeachitem see 17 4 RecordingInstrumentStation Data press OK to recordin JOB Enterthe stationdata ENT N0 1234 688 E0 1748 234 3 Z0 5121 579 Inst h 1 600m Tgt H 2 000 m READ REC OK PressOK settingcomplete Coordinate measurementmenu screenisdisplayed OK Coordinate 1 Observation 2 Stndata 3 Backsightdata NOTE Coordinates input range 99999999 999 to 99999999 999 m Instru...

Page 48: ...Operation Display PressREADinthe InstrumentStation SettingScreen the CoordinateDataPoint NumberDisplayscreen isdisplayed StnorCrd Coordinatedatasaved inthejob which hasbeenselected READ Read data Pt 1 Stn1 Stn2 Crd1 VIEW SRCH Press or toalignthecursorwiththe requiredpointnumberwhichwasreadin Touse thepointnumberto search forcoordinatedata press SRCH Pt Pointnumber view previousdata view next data ...

Page 49: ...nt thebacksightazimuth anglecan be calculatedand set Based on the instrument station coordinates and backsight station coordinates which have already been set Sight the backsight point bya keyoperation theazimuth angleof thebacksightstation will beautomaticallyset 10 2 1Setbacksight point byAngle It allows you to set backsight azimuth anglebyinputting anglevalue directly Steps Operationprocedures ...

Page 50: ...e machine calculates azimuth angle by station point coordinateand backsight coordinate OperationProcedure Key Display Inbacksightsettingmenu choose 2 coord 2 Coord Backsightdata 1 Angle 2 Coord AfterinputtingbacksightpointcoordinateNBS EBS ZBS aftereach entrypress ENT then pressOK Tousevalueinmemory press Readkey Input backsight point coordinate ENT OK Backsightpoint NBS 1382 450 EBS 3455 235 ZBS ...

Page 51: ...S and press READ 10 3CoordinateMeasurement The coordinate values of the target can be found by measuring the distance and angle to the target based the settings of station data and azimuth angle Thecoordinatevalues ofthe target are calculated and displayed using the following formula Station point coordinates N0 E0 Z0 Instrument height Prismheight Height difference Z Thecoordinatedifference fromth...

Page 52: ...in conformitywith measurement conditions 5 The atmospheric correction factor and prismconstant correction distance measurement methods are set 6 The centerof the target is correctlysighted and the light intensityof the returned signal is sufficientlyhigh 7 The coordinate measurementpreparations in10 1 and10 2 arecompleted PROCEDURE OperatingProcedure Operation Display Sightthetargetcenterpoint sel...

Page 53: ...ecodeline code function keyshowupautomatically Pressthe code function key codelistpopup andthenpress to selectcode Orread inthecodebyimputingitsserial number Forexample imput1 anditsequivalent code couldbeused ENT returntopreviousmenu SA VE Savethedata REC SA VE N 1534 688 E 1048 234 Z 1121 579 Pt KOLIDA Ht SA VE R HT CODE 001 1VS 002 123 VIEW SRCH DEL ADD N 1534 688 E 1048 234 Z 1121 579 Pt KOLID...

Page 54: ...nce between the previously input data to the instrument the setting out data and the measured value can be displayed by measuring the horizontal angle distance orcoordinatesofthe sighted point Displayvalue Difference between measured valueandsetting out data For setting out measurement performobservation in faceleft PROCEDURE 1 Set occupied point 2 Set backsightdirection angle 3 Input setting out ...

Page 55: ...etting out measurement PROCEDURE 1 2 OperatingProcedure Operation Display Sightthereferencedirection press 0set twice inthesecondpageofMEAS Mode The horizontalangleofthesightingdirection is0 0set 0set Meas PC 30 PPM 0 3 ZA 89 59 54 HAR 0 00 00 P2 SD SHV 0SET EDM Press S O inthesecondpageof MEAS ModeScreen The Setting OutMeasurement MenuScreen isdisplayed S O S O 1 Observation 2 Set out 3 Stndata 4...

Page 56: ...alangleto thepointtobeset out tostopentry press ESC OK SO H 23 450m 3 H 21 502 ZA 89 45 23 HAR 150 16 54 dHA 0 00 06 REC SHV HD Press Theangletothepointtobeset outisdisplayed on thefirstline An arrow pointingtotheleftorrightdisplays which directionthetargetshouldbemoved 15 34 28 6 324 3 S 6 324m ZA 89 45 23 HAR 150 16 54 REC SHV HD Rotatethetopoftheinstrumentuntilthe angleinthefirstlineis0 Whenthe...

Page 57: ...enpress SHV select SD VD toperformthemeasurement When itiswithinarangeof 1cm both arrows aredisplayed Ifrepeatmeasurementor trackingmeasurementisperformed atthistime itispossibletodisplaythemeasurementresults withoutanykeyoperationswhilesightingthe targetwhich wasmoved Movetheprismtowardsyourside Movetheprismawayfromyourside SHV 0 00 00 0 000 3 S 12 234m ZA 89 45 23 HAR 150 16 54 REC SHV HD Find t...

Page 58: ...ting Out Measurement To find apointwherea targetcan notbedirectlyinstalled performREM setting out measurement PROCEDURE OperatingProcedure Operation Display Placeaprismdirectlybelowordirectly abovethepointtobefound thenusea measuringtapeto measuretheprismheight heightfromthesurveyingpointtothecenter ofprism Sighttheprism press SD inMEAS mode SD Dist Dist PC 0 PPM 0 Fine S STOP Themeasurementresult...

Page 59: ... SHV SO Ht m 3 S 80 123m ZA 89 45 23 HAR 150 16 54 dHA 0 00 00 REC SHV REM Press REM tobegin thesetting out after 0 7 seconds thedistancebetween the setting outdataand themeasureddistanceis displayed onthethirdline S O Ht Measurementresultsaredisplayed every0 5 seconds REM SO Ht 0 002 m 3 S 80 123m ZA 89 45 23 HAR 150 16 54 dHA 0 00 06 STOP After pressing then press REM the displayed value is the ...

Page 60: ... Backsightdata 5 EDM 11 3Coordinates Setting OutMeasurement This measurement isused to setout thepoint of acertaincoordinate awayfromthe referencepoint After inputting the coordinates for the point to be set out the required horizontal angle and horizontal distance and store them in the memory By using the horizontal angle and distance setting out function the required coordinate locationcanbe set...

Page 61: ...ess OK toenter setting outmeasurementmenu Select 4 Back sightdata andpress ENT orpressnumeric key4 directly to enterAngleSettingscreen Setthebearinganglewhilereferringto 10 2 Azimuth anglesetting Thesetting out MeasurementMenu screenisdisplayed Select 4 Back sightdata ENT Set out 1 Observation 2 Set out 3 Stndata 4 Backsightdata 5 EDM Select 2 Set out andpress ENT Np Ep Zp arethecoordinatesofthepo...

Page 62: ...entiscompleted CRD 0 00 00 0 006 3 0 300 ZA 89 45 20 HAR 150 16 54 REC SHV CRD Press CRD movetheprismupanddown to displaytheheightdifferencevaluetobe 0 m When itisnear0 m both thearrowsare displayed Whenthevalueswhichdisplayon thesecond third fourthlinesare0 thepointto besetoutisfound Meaningofarrows Moveupwards Movedownwards Note Press FNC onkeyboardtochange targetheight CRD 0 00 00 0 000 3 0 003...

Page 63: ...eric correction valuewillbecalculated anddisplayed inPPM Method Entertheatmosphericcorrection valuePPM nowtemperature andpressurevaluewillbecleared Pressure AtmosphericcorrectionPPM Prismconstant Entertheprismcorrection valueforcurrentprism Distancemode Press or to selectfromfollowingmodes Finerepetition FineN time Finesingle tracking Note Temperature input range 30 60 Foot length1 or 22 140 Foot ...

Page 64: ...wish to measure target point by installing the target at a location offset point a little distance from the target pointand measuring the distanceandangle fromthe surveying point to the offset point The target point canbefound in the three ways explainedbelow Diagram Method 1 Singledistanceoffsetmeasurement When theoffsetpointispositionedtotheleftorrightofthe targetpoint makesuretheangleformedbyli...

Page 65: ...t measurement when 3 Offset is selected fromMenu Mode Offset measurement is performed using themeasurement method usedbeforeyou started up the offset measurement 12 1Single Distance OffsetMeasurement Whentheoffset point is positioned toleft or right of the targetpoint make sure theangle formedbylines connecting theoffset point tothetarget pointandto the instrument station is almost 90 When theoffs...

Page 66: ...OFFS toenterthe OffsetMenuScreen isdisplayed OFFS Offset 1 Offset Dist 2 Offset Angle 3 Offset 2D 4 Stndata Select 1 Offset Dist thenpress ENT the OffsetObservation Screen isdisplayed Selectthefollowingitems 1 Horizontaldistancefromthetargetpointtothe offsetpoint 2 Directionoftheoffsetpoint Aftereach entrypress ENT 1 Offset Dist ENT S 10 865 m ZA 87 58 38 3 HAR 112 34 23 Dist 2 450 m Direc OK OBS ...

Page 67: ...OffsetMenuScreen To returntoOffsetMeasurementMenuscreen press ESC SA VE Offset 1 Offset Dist 2 Offset Angle 3 Offset 2D 4 Stndata NOTE In step4 offsetdistanceentryrange 9999 999m Input unit 0 001 m Directionof offsetpoint offset point onthe right ofthe target point offset point onthe left of the targetpoint offset point in thefront of the targetpoint offset point behind the target point Re observa...

Page 68: ...yed during continuousmeasurement press STOP to restore the MEAS ModeScreen Theslopedistance verticalangleandhorizontalanglefromthe stationpointtooffsetpointsaredisplayed Meas PC 30 PPM 0 S 11 678 m ZA 59 39 54 HAR 90 01 00 P1 SD SHV OFFS EDM In MEAS mode displaythescreeninwhich OFFS isregistered PressOFFSET the Offset MenuScreen isdisplayed OFFS Offset 1 Offset Dist 2 Offset Angle 3 Offset 2D 4 St...

Page 69: ... OK CRD or DIST Offset Angle S 22 200 m ZA 76 42 05 HAR 156 34 23 REC DIST Offset Angle N 2 345 E 1 234 Z 0 569 REC CRD PressRECtorecord measurementresult See 21 4 RecordingDistanceMeasurement REC N 10 29m E 50 22m Z 10 4 m Pt 10 Code KOLIDA SA VE R HT CODE InputTgt h Tgt h 0 000m OK Press SA VE to recordthedataandreturn to theOffsetMeasurementMenuScreen SA VE Offset 1 Offset Dist 2 Offset Angle 3...

Page 70: ...nt depends on thedistance betweenoffset point2 and target pointon the line whichconsisted oftarget point offsetpoint 1and offsetpoint2 2 Measurethedistancefromthetarget point to the2nd target PROCEDURE OperatingProcedure Operation Display In MeasMode displaythescreenin which OFFS isregistered Press OFFS todisplaythe OffsetMeasurementMenu Screen OFFS Offset 1 Offset Dist 2 Offset Angle 3 Offset 2D ...

Page 71: ...Press YES the 2ndTargetObservation Screen isdisplayed Iftore observeprism1 press NO YES Offset 2D Take2ndpoint ZA 89 47 23 HAR 150 16 12 OBS Sightprism2 andpress OBS tobegin measurement OBS Dist Dist PC 0 PPM 0 Fine S STOP aftermeasurementfinished Press STOP to displaythe 2ndTargetObservation Result Screen Thecoordinatesofthe2nd are displayed Offset 2D N 9 234 E 5 098 Z 1 234 Sure NO YES Press YES...

Page 72: ...VE R HT CODE Press SA VE to savedataand returntothe OffsetMeasurementMenu screen SA VE Offset 1 Offset Dist 2 Offset Angle 3 Offset 2D 4 Stndata Offsetdistanceentryrange 9999 999 m Minimumentryunit 0 001m Discard the dataand observe again press ESC Record the result inJOB SAVE See 21 4RecordingDistance MeasurementData 13 MISSINGLINE MEASUREMENT Missing linemeasurement is used to measure theslopedi...

Page 73: ...mode 13 1 1Measuring the distancebetween multiple targets OperatingProcedure Operation Display SightthetargetofthefirsttargetP1 then press SD inMeasMode Afterthemeasurement finished press STOP afterthemeasured values aredisplayed to restorethe MEAS Mode Screen SD Meas PC 30 PPM 0 S 11 678 m ZA 59 39 54 HAR 90 01 00 P2 SD SHV HSET EDM SightthetargetP2 thenpressMLM in the thirdpageofthe MEAS ModeScr...

Page 74: ...om between startingpositionP1and targetpointP3 Itispossibleto measuretheslopedistance horizontaldistance andheightdifferencefrom startingpointto anyotherpointusingthesame procedure Re observethestartingpoint OBS MLM MLM S 10 757 m H 37 345 m 3 V 1 060m S 15 483 m HAR 135 31 28 MLM MOVE SD OBS Press ESC toend theMLM measurement ESC Meas PC 30 PPM 0 S 11 678 m ZA 59 39 54 HAR 90 01 00 P2 MLM REC MEN...

Page 75: ...rting point PROCEDURE OperatingProcedure Operation Display Observethestartingposition andtarget followingthesteps1to3 in Chapter13 1 1 Measuringthedistancebetween multiple targets MLM S 46 755 H 37 345 m 3 V 1 060m S 15 483 m HAR 135 31 28 MLM MOVE S OBS Press MOVE withthe MissingLine MeasurementResultsScreen displayed Press MOVE tochangethelastmeasuredpoint tothestartingpoint MOVE Move S 15 483 m...

Page 76: ...ectly installed forexample apower cable bridge etc Theheightof the target is calculated using thefollowingformula Ht h1 h2 h2 Sinθz1 Ctgθz2 Scosθz1 When an REM measurement is performed the initial measurement is performed after 0 7 seconds and later measurements are performed at0 5 second intervals no matter which distance measurement method is selected In advance allocate the function keys to dis...

Page 77: ...TOP Whentheobservationiscompleted the distancemeasurementresultisdisplayed Meas PC 30 PPM 0 S 11 678 m ZA 59 39 54 HAR 90 01 00 P2 SD SHV HSET EDM Sightthetarget displaythescreenin which REM isregistered Press REM to begin the REM measurement 0 7 secondslater theheight fromthesurveyingpointtothetargetisdisplayed in HT Afterwards themeasurementvaluesare completed every0 5 seconds REM REM Ht 0 052m ...

Page 78: ...ultiple measurements of points whose coordinate valuesare known Entry Output Ni Ei Zi coordinatesof known point N0 E0 Z0 station point coordinates Hi Observedhorizontal angle Vi Observed verticalangle Di Observeddistance TheKTS 440 R RC cancalculate the instrument station coordinatesbyobserving 2 to4 known points 1 When the distance canbe measured at least 2known pointsare required 2 When it not p...

Page 79: ... The 2ndPoint SettingScreen isdisplayed Repeatstep1toenterthecoordinatesofallthe known point Enter coordinate values Resection Pt 2 N 0 000m 3 E 0 000 m Z 0 000 m MEAS READ REC OK Whenallrequiredknown pointshavebeen set press MEAS MEAS Resection N 4456 343 3 E 4321 890 Z 215 557 SightPt 1 ANG DIST Sightthe1 stknown point pressANG for anglemeasurementonly Orpress DIST for angleanddistancemeasuremen...

Page 80: ...heknown pointB When angleresection isperformed nether screen isdisplayed N E arethedifferencebetween the coordinatewhichcalculated frompoint1 2 3 and thecoordinatewhich calculated frompoint 1 2 4 Z0 coordinateis0 N0 56 343 E0 21 890 Z0 0 000 N 0015mm E 0012 mm ROBS ADD REC OK N0 56 343 E0 21 890 Z0 15 557 dHD 0015 mm dZ 0012 mm ROBS ADD REC OK Press OK to adoptmeasuringresult theresult isrecordeda...

Page 81: ...int 2 Lastpoint Select 1 Lastpoint or 2 Lastpoint and press ENT Thefollowingproceduresaresame with theproceduresafterthesteps4in 15 RESECTIONMEASUREMENT Select ENT Resection Pt 1 N 4456 343 3 E 4321 890 Z 215 557 Takethefirstpoint ANGLE DIST 15 2Add KnownPoints PROCEDURE OperatingProcedure Operation Display PressADD in the ResectionResultScreen ADD N0 56 343 E0 21 890 Z0 15 557 dHD 0015 mm dZ 0012...

Page 82: ...nt using the same procedure beginning with step 3 in Chapter 15 ResectionMeasurement When a known point is to be added perform measurement using the same procedure beginning with step 1 and 2 in Chapter15 ResectionMeasurement EXPLANATION In some cases it is impossible to calculate the coordinates of an unknown point instrument station if the unknownpointand threeor more known points are arranged o...

Page 83: ... It is impossible to calculate the coordinates of the instrument station if the included anglebetween theknown pointsistoosmall 16 Area Calculation It is also possible tocalculate theareaof land enclosed bythree or more knownpoints ona linebymanually inputtingor reading the coordinates of thepoints Coordinates Knownvalue P1 N1 E1 Area calculated value S P2 N2 E2 P3 N3 E3 P4 N4 E4 P5 N5 E5 Numberof...

Page 84: ...r reading frommemory PROCEDURE OperatingProcedure Operation Display In thepage2ofthe menu select 8 Area Menu 2 6 Resection 7 Repetition 8 Area 9 Roads Everypointuseduringcalculation canbegotten bymeasuringorreadingfrommemory Forexample Measuringpoint1 Sightthefirstpointon thelineenclosingthearea andpress OBS tostartmeasuring Theresultwill bedisplayed Sight Point1 OBS 01 02 3 03 04 05 READ OBS N 40...

Page 85: ...ointin VIEW NO 510 000 EO 206 000 ZO 123 000 Pt ST002 H 1 600M TOP LAST P1 Movethecursortothethirdpoint ifthe coordinatesisgottenbymeasuring itdisplays pt_03 Ifthecoordinatesisread frommemory itdisplaysthepointnumber Forexample 6 When known pointsamountisenoughtobeused in areacalculation atleast3points CALC key willbedisplayed To read in coordinatedatain knowndataand read inStationpoint observatio...

Page 86: ...ningBaseline Youneed todefine thebaselinebeforesettingout straight line You can definea baselinebyinputting two points coordinates Thescale factor value is thedifference betweenthe input coordinate and the observed coordinate Whennotobserving firstor secondpoints scale factor isset to 1 Definedbaseline can be used in bothsetting out line measurement and point projection Procedure Key Screendisplay...

Page 87: ...intdata andpress ENT define baseline Definebaseline startpoint1 Nb1 1 686 m Eb1 1 128m Zb1 0 132m READ REC OK Difinebaseline destinationpoint2 Nb2 1 885 m Eb2 0 860 m Zb2 0 119m READ REC MEAS OK 5 Press MEAS to measurebasepoint Ifthereisnodemand formeasuringthestartpoint anddestination pointofthebaseline then ignorethe procedure6 7 8 and gotoprocedure9 MEAS Measure1stPoint Nb1 1 686 Eb1 1 128 Zb1 ...

Page 88: ...themeasurementresultsofthe secondpoint Thedistancebetween thetwo measured points thedistancecalculated from inputtingthecoordinatesoftwo pointsandthescale factorsaredisplayed YES DefineBaseline 1 Bearing 306 32 36 CalculatedHD 0 334 m MeasuredHD 0 334 m OK P1 Definebaseline 2 X scale 0 000000 Yscale 0 000000 Slope 3 910 OK SY 1 SY SX P2 10 Press OK todefinethebaseline The Set out Line screen isdis...

Page 89: ...t 4point point setoutline 1Stndata 2backsightdata 3definebaseline 4point 5 line 2 Setthefollowingitems Length Distancealongthebaselinefromthefirstpointto the positionatwhichalineextendingfromtherequiredpoint intersectsthebaselineatrightangles Xdirection Offset Distancefromtherequiredpointtotheposition at which alineextendingfromtherequired pointintersectsthe baselineatrightangles Ydirection Inputl...

Page 90: ...s F4 REC recordsthecoordinatevalueasaknownpointdata Referto 21 RecordinginRecordMode Press S O toperformsetting outmeasurementoftherequired point Referto 11 Setting OutMeasurement OK Setoutline PT Np 26 307 Ep 30 142 Zp 1 432 S O REC P1 Setoutline PT Dist 40 212 m Angle 310 51 36 Tg h 1 650 m S O REC P2 ...

Page 91: ...ed beforesetingout the straight line Procedure Key Display 1 Select 5 Line inthe Set OutLineMenu 5 line set out line 1 Stndata 2 back sight data 3 define baseline 4 point 5 line 2 Entertheoffsetvalue Offset Howmuch tomovethebaseline Right sideindicatespositivevalueandleftside indicatesnegativevalue When notsettingoffsetvalue goto step Enterlength andoffset Set out line L Offset 1 458 m OBS ...

Page 92: ... Aminusvalueindicatesthatthepointison theleftoftheline Cut Theheightdifferencebetween theoccupied pointand thebaseline Apositivevalue indicatesthepointisabovethebaseline A positivevalueindicatesthepointisbelowthe baseline Length Distancealongthebaselinefromthe firstpointto themeasuredpoint Press NO toobservethetargetagain YES Set out line L OFF L 2 219m d E1ev 1 115m Length 0 097m OBS REC P2 Set o...

Page 93: ...ntersects the baseline at right angles 18 1Defining baseline Definedbaselinecan beused inboth setting out line measurement andpoint projection procedure Operation Display 1 Underthemeasuringmode definethe functionofpointprojectiononto thekey allocate PROJ Meas PC 30 PPM 0 ZA 9236 25 HAR 3025 18 PROJ LINE HSET EDM 2 Select PROJ PROJ Pointprojection 1 Stndata 2 backsightdata 3 definebaseline 4 point...

Page 94: ...asurement Referto 18 2Point Projection OK Pointprojection Coord Point N 0 0000 m E 0 0000m Z 0 000 m READ MEAS REC OK 18 2Point projection Thebase line should bedefinedbeforepointprojection Procedure key Display 1 Definethebasicline Pleasetake 17 1definebaseline asareference Pointprojection 1Stndata 2backsightdata 3definebaseline 4pointprojection 5 EDM 2 Select 4 pointprojection Pointprojection Co...

Page 95: ...jectintersectsthe baselineatrightangles Ydirection d Elev Elevationbetween thebaselineandtheprojected point PressHT tosetinstrumentheightandtargetheight Press REC to recordtheprojection coordinateasknownpoint OK Pointprojection 1 Np 1 145 m Ep 1 717 m Zp 3 435 m HT REC S O P1 Pointprojection 2 Length 1 542 m Offset 1 347 m d Elev 3 558 m HT REC S O P2 5 Press S O tomoveto setting outmeasurementoft...

Page 96: ...t line circularcurve andtransitioncurve PROCEDURE OperatingProcedure Operation Display Frompage2on MENU select 9 Roads MENU 9 Roads Menu 2 6 Resection 7 Repetition 8 Area 9 Roads Slect 1 DefineRoads inthe RoadsMenu and select 1 DefineHZAL Select 1 Define HZAL Roads 1 DefineRoads 2 Set OutRoads Roads 1 1 DefineHZAL 2 EditHZAL 3 DefineVTAL 4 EditVTAL 5 HZALIMPORT Enterthestartpointinformation chaina...

Page 97: ...er the Edit Alignment option the new elements can be added onlyin the endof theoriginal alignment file Straight line When the start point or other line style is well defined it allows you to define straight line A straight line consists bearingangle anddistance thedistance valuecannotbe minus OperatingProcedure Operation Display Press STR keyin the InputProcessScreen the DefineStraightScreen STR D...

Page 98: ...e curve rotates to left the radius value is minus The arclengthcannotbe minus OperatingProcedure Operation Display PressARC keyin the InputProcess Screen the DefineArc isdisplayed ARC DefineHZAL Chain 1000 000 3 AZ 0 00 00 1 STR ARC TRNS PT Enterradiusand arclength thenpress ENT to recordthisdata Enter radiusand arclength ENT Arc Radius 0 000 m Arclength 0 000 m OK PressOK torecord thealignmentdat...

Page 99: ... TRNS DefineHZAL Chain 1000 000 3 AZ 0 00 00 1 STR ARC TRNS PT Entertheminimumradiusand Spirallength oftransition curve andpress ENT Enterthe minimum radiusand arclength ENT Transition Radius 0 000 m Spirallength 0 000 m OK Press OK torecord thedataand restorethe main screen Ifpress ESCkey itwillrestores themain inputscreen withoutsaving OK DefineHZZL Chain 1028 000 3 AZ 83 15 32 2 STR ARC TRNS PT...

Page 100: ...TR ARC TRNS PT Itallowsto enterN Ecoordinate radiusand A1 A2 manually andpress ENT Orpress READ to readin thecoordinatesstored in memory enterN E coordinate radiusand A1 A2 ENT N 0 000 m E 0 000 m R 0 000 m A1 0 000 A2 0 000 READ OK PressOKto recorddata and restorethemain screen Press ESC torestorethemain screen withoutsaving OK DefineHZAL Chain 1046 000 3 AZ 153 15 32 2 STR ARC TRNS PT NOTE Wheny...

Page 101: ... 1046 000 N 201 000 m E 102 000 m READ NEXT LAST SRCH Press NEXT tofindthealignmentdatatobe edited Straight AZ 48 3000 Distance 56 678m PREV NEXT SRCH P1 Enternewdata press ENT tostorethe modified dataandto enternextpoint Press ESC to exitwithoutsaving Straight AZ 91 5631 Distance 40 000m PREV NEXT SRCH P1 PREV Press this keyto displaythe previouspoint data NEXT Pressthis keyto displaythe previous...

Page 102: ... E 100 000 m PREV NEXT SRCH P1 Entertherequiredchaiage Enterthe chainage Search HZAL Chain 1111 561 OK A Iftheentered chainageisnotexisted inmemory an errormessage willbedisplayed Afterseveral seconds itrestorespreviousscreen which SRCH isdisplayed B Iftheentered chainageisexisted in memory itsinformation willbedisplayed Search alignment Invalid chainage StartPoint CH 1046 000 N 200 000 m E 100 00...

Page 103: ...curve length The sart and end intersectionpoints must be azerocurve length Chainage 1000 1300 1800 2300 Elevation 50 70 60 90 Curve length 0 300 300 0 Intersection pointscanbeentered in anyorder After entering apoint data press ENT to save it and goto enter next one Press ESC to exit without saving PROCEDURE OperatingProcedure Operation Display Select 3 DefineVTAL fromRoadsmenu Select 3 Define VTA...

Page 104: ... To modifythe curve data theprocedure is same with editingalignment data PROCEDURE OperatingProcedure Operation Display Select 4 EditVTAL fromRoadsmenu Roads 1 1 DefineHZAL 2 EditHZAL 3 DefineVTAL 4 EditVTAL 5 HZALIMPORT 2 Thefirstcurvedatainmemoryisdisplayed EditVTAL CH 1000 000 3 Elevation 50 000m Len 0 000m PREV NEXT SRCH P1 STRT END READ P1 Press PREV or NEXT to findtherequired curvedata EditV...

Page 105: ...m Len 0 000m PREV NEXT SRCH P1 Enterthechainageoftherequiredcurve Enterthe chainage SearchVTAL Chainage 1100 000 A Iftheentered chainageisnotexisted inmemory thefirstverticalcurvedatawillbedisplayed B Iftheentered chainageisexisted in memory itsinformation willbedisplayed A B Search alignment Invalid chainage EditVTAL CH 1100 000 3 Elevation 50 000m Len 0 000m PREV NEXT SRCH P1 Enternewdataandpres...

Page 106: ...d menu Defineroad 1 1 DefineHZAL 2 EditHZAL 3 DefineVTAL 4 EditVTAL 5 HZALImport 2 Input the HZ AL file name or press LIST to readin thefilefromSDcard theformatforthefileis TXT OK Fileimport Job LIST OK 3 If the horizontal line data already exist in thememory You wouldbeinformed whether overwriteitornot YES startimporting NO Exit YES HZALImport OverwriteFile NO YES 4 After transmission it returns ...

Page 107: ...ceiveVTAL 9 DeleteHZAL 10 DeleteVTAL 2 InputtheVTALfilenameorpress LIST to readin thefilefromSDcard Theformat forthefileis TXT OK Fileimport Job LIST OK 3 If the horizontal line data already exist in thememory You wouldbeinformed whether overwriteitornot YES startimporting NO Exit YES VTALImport OverwriteFile NO YES 4 After transmission it returns into design road menu Finishing VTALImport From B ...

Page 108: ...s arc length SPIRAL radius length PT E N Radius A1 A2 A1 A2 length Example 1 START 1000 000 1050 000 1100 000 STRAIGHT 25 000 48 420 SPIRAL 20 000 20 000 ARC 20 000 23 141 SPIRAL 20 000 20 000 STRAIGHT 148 300 54 679 Example 2 START 1000 000 1050 000 1100 000 PT 1750 000 1300 000 100 000 80 800 PT 1400 000 1750 000 200 PT 1800 000 2000 000 Before downloading data make sure that the receiving softw...

Page 109: ...hen itshows initializatingUSB OK ReceiveHZAL Ready OK 3 Ifanyalignmentdataisexistedinmemory it willdisplay Overwritefile Press YES tobegin receiving press NO to exit Ifthereisnoalignmentdata seestep3 YES ReceiveHZAL Overwritefile NO YES Startreceiving To stopreceiving press STOP ReceiveHZAL Tansfer USB JOB A JOB1 HAL Receiving STOP 19 1 8ReceivingVerticalCurve Data The vertical curve data can be t...

Page 110: ...HZ AL 8 Receive VT AL 9 Delete HZ AL 10Delete VT AL 2 Startthereceivingsoftwarein computer when theKTSdisplays Ready press OK ifyou selectUSBcommunicationthen itshows initializatingUSB OK ReceiveVTAL Ready OK Ifanycurvedataisexistedin memory itwill display Overwritefile Press YES tobegin receiving pressNOto exit Ifthereisnoalignmentdata seestep4 YES ReceiveVTAL Overwritefile NO YES Startreceiving ...

Page 111: ...essYES thedatawillbedeleted thescreen restoretheRoadsscreen To exit press NO YES HZAlignment Delete NO YES 19 1 10DeletingVerticalCurve Thealignment datain memorycan be deleted PROCEDURE OperatingProcedure Operation Display Select 10 DeleteVTAL in the Roads screen Defineroad 2 6 VT AL Import 7 Receive HZ AL 8 Receive VT AL 9 Delete HZ AL 10Delete VT AL When Verticalcurvedelete isdisplayed pressYES...

Page 112: ...ne alignment The vertical alignment is optional but is required to computecut andfill Rule Offset left thehorizontal distance fromthe left stake point to thecenter line Offset right the horizontaldistance fromthe right stakepointto the center line Elevation difference Left right is the elevationdifference between left right stakeand thecenter line point 19 2 19 2 1SetStationPoint It allows you to ...

Page 113: ... Set Out 5 EDM The Stndata screen isdisplayed Stndata CH 0 000 Offs 0 000m Inst H 0 000m READ OK A Enterthechainage offset instrumentheightof thestationpoint B To readincoordinatedatafrommemory pressREAD viewthelastdata viewthenextdata viewthelastpage viewthenextpage Enterthe chainage offset instrument height READ A B Stndata CH 1000 000 Offs 20 000 m Inst H 1 560 m READ OK Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 VIE...

Page 114: ...100 000 Inst H 1 560m SA VE READ OK N 100 253 E 120 027 Z 21 045 PT 2 Tgt H 2 000m TOP LAST P1 Press OK to finish thesettingandreturnto the Set OutScreen OK Setoutroads 1 Stndata 2 SetHangle 3 SetBackSightPt 4 SetOut 5 EDM 19 2 2SettingBacksight Point Programprovides two methodsfor settingbacksight point Entering it manually setting it byusing coordinate 1 Settingbacksight point byusing angle PROC...

Page 115: ...3 Coord 4 SetOut 5 EDM 2 Settingbacksight point byusing coordinate It allows you to set backsight point by reading from memory N E Z coordinate or entering manually by keyboard chainage and offset PROCEDURE OperatingProcedure Operation Display Select 3 Coord in the SetOutRoads Screen Select 3 Coord Setoutroads 1 Stndata 2 angle 3 coord 4 SetOut 5 EDM The SetBackSightPtScreen isdisplayed SetBackSig...

Page 116: ...alculatedonthebasis oftheenteredchainageandoffset Ittheverticalcurvedataofthechainageis existed in memory theelevationofthepoint willbedisplayed Ifthecurveisnotexisted the elevationdisplaywith 0 B Thecoordinateofthereadpointisdisplayed A B SetBackSightPt NBS 80 436m EBS 217 326m ZBS 10 090m READ OK N 102 253 E 110 027 Z 21 045 PT 1 Tgt h 2 000m TOP LAST P1 To acceptthebearingangle pressYES to rese...

Page 117: ...t 4 SetOut 5 EDM Enterthestartstakenumber increment the horizontaldistancefromsidestakepointsto centerline OffsetL thehorizontaldistance fromleftstakepointtocenterline OffsetL the horizontaldistancefromleftstakepointto centerline and theheightdifferencefromthe sidestaketo centerline AlignmentSetout StartC 0 000 Incre 0 000 Offs L 0 000m Offs R 0 000 m HtDi L 0 000m HtDi R 0 000 m OK Press ENT thec...

Page 118: ... toconfirmthem When thecursorisinthebottomofthescreen press ENT thecoordinateofthepointtobesetoutis displayed press OK AlignmentSetout Np 8 888 m Ep 199 200 m Zp 80 000 m OK Whenthe SetOutscreen isdisplayed sighttheprism press SHV keyto displaythe CRD key SO H thedistancetothepointtobesetout dHA thehorizontalangledifferencetothe pointtobesetout SHV SetOut SO H m H 0 m ZA 96 15 29 HAR 331 14 35 dHA...

Page 119: ...o makethedisplayed valuetobe0 thesecond line When thedifferenceofthemeasured anglevalueandtherequired valueiswithin 30 therearetwo arrowsdisplayed on screen Themeaningofarrows Movetheprismto left Movetheprismto right Restorethe Set OutObservation Screen SetOut 0 00 00 7 882 79 672 S A 2 131m ZA 96 15 29 HAR 295 00 02 REC SHV CRD Placeaprismon thesightdirectionandsight it Press CRD to startdistance...

Page 120: ...ffset SettingScreen setoutthenextpointfrom step4 AlignmentSetout Chainage 1000 000 3 Offset 2 150 Heightdiff 0 150 Tgt h 2 000m P1 LOFS ROFS CHG CHG Note Any time press ESC key to the Chainage and Offset Setting Screen it is possible to input a new point and performsetting out Toreturntoprevious screen press ESC keyon the PointNumber Screen It allows to changeTargetHeight bypressing thekey FNC Exp...

Page 121: ...s Menu it is possible to perform slope setting out Press F4 SLOPE key Slope Setout will bedisplayed The left and right slopes may be entered for both cut and fill Enter the required slopes using positive numbers for both cut and fill The software selects the appropriate slope from the table depending on whether the situation is on the left or right and incutor fill Cut or fill is determined by the...

Page 122: ... P2 LOFS ROFS CHG SLOPE Inputcut fillslope andpress ENT After inputtingslope press OK tosavethedata Inputslope OK SlopeSetout 1 N CutL 0 000 FillL 0 000 CutR 0 000 FillR 0 000 OK Choose LEFT or RIGHT usingfunction keys L or R SlopeSetout Choose L or R CutL 2 150 FillL 0 000 CutR 2 150 FillR 0 000 LEFT RIGHT Enterthescreenofslopesetting out SlopeSetout 3 S m ZA 96 15 29 HAR 295 00 02 MEAS STOP ...

Page 123: ...smto theright Setout Setout PSM 0 PPM 0 Fine S STOP SlopeSetout 7 670 3 1 001 S 2 341 m ZA 96 15 29 HAR 295 00 17 MEAS STOP Move prism according to the indication of screen press MEAS When 2 arrows are shown in thethird and fourth lineofthe screen itmeansthesetting outpointisfound Move prism MEAS SlopeSetout 0 000 3 0 001 S 2 341 m ZA 56 10 29 HAR 95 20 17 MEAS STOP Press ESC toreturnto thescreeno...

Page 124: ...moryStorage screen MemoryModeScreen To enter MemoryMode press MEM in RecordMode Screen To enterRecord Mode press REC in MEASModeScreen Press ESC toreturnto previousscreen 20 SETTING IN MEMORYMODE Memory 1 JOB 2 Known data 5 3 Code 4 Defineroads 5 UDiskMode 1 Distdata A JOB01 2 Backsightdata 3 Angledata 5 4 Distdata 5 Coorddata 6 Dist Coorddata Memory 6 Initialize 7 AllFile 8 GridFactor 7 Note 8 Vi...

Page 125: ...on Before recording data select theJOB in which it is tobe recorded The followingdata canbe recorded inJOB Measurement results Instrument station data Notes PROCEDURE OperatingProcedure Operation Display Select 1 JOB in the MemoryMode Screen andpress ENT orpressnumerickey1 the JOBManagementScreen isdisplayed 1 JOB ENT Mem JOB 1 JOBselection 2 Coordread JOB 3 JOB Export 4 Coord import 5 commsoutput...

Page 126: ...ction 2 Coordread JOB 3 JOB Export 4 Coord import 5 commsoutput 20 1 2CheckMemoryStatusandFormat theDisk Belowoperations are tocheck memorysize free space dataformat Operation key display 1 Enter job selection Screen JOBselection Job J0B2 LIST OK 2 LIST Enterdisklist Disk A localdisk Disk B SDcard doesnotsupport file nameordirectorynamein Chinese When operating the data file in the SD card please ...

Page 127: ...d forever CE Cancel theoperation for formatting FormatDisk B Formatmaydeldata Suretoformat CE OK 20 1 3Create new working job Tocreat anewworking job theJob name canbe fromA Z or 0 9 The first charactercannotbeSpace Using anexsited jobname is not allowed Procedure Key Display 1 Enter the JobSelection screen Press LIST toenterdisk list Choosea diskforcreatingnew job Press OK to enter job list LIST ...

Page 128: ...cancreatenew job in local diskand SD card New 1 Newdirect 2 Newjob Newjob Dir OK 20 1 4ChangeJobname Job name canbeedited throughthe belowoperation Procedure Key display 1 Enter the JobSelection screen LIST Enter disk list and choose a disk for creatingnew job OK Enter job list LIST OK JOBselection Job J0B2 LIST OK Disk A Disk B ATTR FORMAT OK 2 Enter page2 bypressing P1 JOB1 JOB JOB JOB2 JOB JOB ...

Page 129: ...tomatically Procedure Key display 1 Enter the JobSelection screen LIST Enterdisklistandchoosea diskforcreatingnewjob LIST Enterjob list LIST OK JOBselection Job J0B2 LIST OK Disk A Disk B ATTR FORMAT OK 2 Enter page2 bypressing P1 JOB1 JOB JOB JOB2 JOB JOB ATTR SRCH EXIT P1 MEW REN DEL P2 3 Press DEL it displays the selected job Confirmfor delete it DEL DEL Deletefile JOB01 JOB Suretodelete CE OK ...

Page 130: ...umerickey2 2 Coord read JOB ENT Coord Read JOB Job J0B1 LIST OK Inputthefilenameto beselected Press or keyto movethecursorontothefile needstobechanged press LIST key Alljobs willbedisplayed in4pages thenumberson rightsideshowtherecord amount or LIST JOBselection Job J0B2 LIST OK JOB01 20 JOB02 8 ATTR SRCH EXIT P1 Finishtheimputtingandreturntopreviousmenu ENT Mem JOB 1 1 JOBselection 2 Coord readJO...

Page 131: ...ort 5 CommsOutput Select 3 JOBExport thenpress ENT orpressnumerickey3 3 JOB Export ENT Selectajob Job J0B1 LIST OK 3 Then inputthefilename Orpress LIST to enterJob listand choosejob Then press ENT or LIST Fileoutput Job JOB2 LIST OK JOB01 20 JOB02 8 ATTR SRCH EXIT P1 Theoperation asright FromA job Job To B JOB TXT EXIT Finishing 5 Finishtheimputtingandreturntoprevious menu Mem JOB 1 1 JOBselection...

Page 132: ...ection 2 Coord read JOB 3 JOB Export 4 Coord import 5 CommsOutput Select 4 Coord import thenpress ENT orpressnumerickey4 Imputthefilename Orpress LIST to enterJob listand choosejob Then press ENT 4 Coord import ENT FileImport Job JOB2 LIST OK 3 Createanewnameforimported file Orpress LIST to enterJob listandchoosean existed job Then press ENT Selectajob Job J0B1 LIST OK Theoperation asright Coord I...

Page 133: ...1 JOB ENT Mem JOB 1 1 JOBselection 2 Coord read JOB 3 JOB Export 4 Coord import 5 CommsOutput 2 Select 5 Commsoutput thenpress ENT orpressnumerickey5 5 comms output ENT Selectajob Job J0B1 LIST OK 3 Choosethejobnameandpress ENT to start output Commsoutput Transfer USB Job A Job1 JOB Sending STOP Finishing 5 Finishtheimputtingandreturntoprevious menu Mem JOB 1 1 JOBselection 2 Coord read JOB 3 JOB ...

Page 134: ...in the MemoryMode Screen andpress ENT orpressnumerickey1 the JOBManagementScreen isdisplayed Enterpage2 1 JOB ENT Mem JOB 1 1 JOBselection 2 Coord read JOB 3 JOB Export 4 Coord import 5 CommsOutput Mem JOB 2 6 Commsinput 7 Keyin Coord Select 6 Commsinput thenpress ENT or pressnumerickey6 6 Comms input ENT JOBselection Job J0B1 LIST OK 3 Choosethejobnameandpress ENT to start input Commsinput Transf...

Page 135: ...ord import 5 CommsOutput Mem JOB 2 6 Commsinput 7 Keyin Coord Select 7 Keyin Coord thenpress ENT or pressnumerickey7 7 keyin coord OK Selectajob Job LIST OK 3 ChooseaJobnameorCreateanewjobname orpressLISTto choosefromlocaldiskorSD card OK to Confirm OK Selectajob Job J0B1 LIST OK 4 Allthecoordinatesarelistednow PressADD to entertheCoordinateDatainput screen ADD Pt101 Pt102 Pt103 VIEW SRCH DEL ADD ...

Page 136: ...Operation Display Select 2 Known data in MemoryMode Screen andpress ENT orpressnumerickey 2 the KnownPointMenuScreen is displayed 2 Known data ENT 1 Keyin coord 2 coordimport 3 coord export 4 commsinput 5 commsoutput 6 clear Select 1 Keyin coord andpress ENT the CoordinateDataEntryScreen isdisplayed PressADD to setthefollowingitems N E Zcoordinatevalues pointname code Aftereach entrypress ENT 1 Ke...

Page 137: ...xtfilein SDcard Press OK 2 coord import ENT Fileimport Job LIST OK Importstartsnow Dataimportaccomplihed Importcood From B JOB1 TXT To A coord PTS QUIT 20 2 3 KnownCoordinatedata export It realizes the datatransmission fromlocal disk tothe TXTfile in SD card PROCEDURE OperatingProcedure Operation Display Select 2 Known data in MemoryMode Screen andpress ENT orpressnumerickey 2 the KnownPointMenuSc...

Page 138: ...DAcommunication software oncomputer Second set communication parameters on total station Referto 23 1Changing InstrumentParameters OperatingProcedure Operation Display Select 2 Known data inthe Memory ModeScreen andpress ENT to showthe KnownPointMenuScreen 2 Known data ENT 1 Keyin coord 2 coordimport 3 coord export 4 commsinput 5 commsoutput 6 clear Select 4 Comms input and press ENT the Data Form...

Page 139: ...en sending data amount shows in the bottomofthescreen 5 comms output ENT Commsoutput Transfer USB Job A COORD PTS Sending STOP Dataoutputfinished displayreturnstoknow datascreen 1 Keyin coord 2 coordimport 3 coord export 4 commsinput 5 commsoutput 6 clear 20 2 6ClearingCoordinateDatafromMemory This operation is fordeleting allcoordinate data in internal memory OperationProcedure Key Display Underm...

Page 140: ...c key3 the Codemenu screen is displayed 3 Code ENT Mem Code 1 Keyin code 2 Codeimport 3 receivecode 4 Clear list Select 1 Keyin code andpress ENT orpressnumerickey1 1 Keyin code ENT VIEW SRCH DEL ADD 3 ADD to inputcode OK torecord thecode ESC to finishinputing Themax lengthis16characters ADD OK Mem Code 1 Keyin code 2 Codeimport 3 receivecode 4 Clear list 20 3 1Code import PROCEDURE OperatingProce...

Page 141: ...4 Clear list Select 3 receive code and press ENT orpressnumeric key1 3 receive code ENT Mem Code 1 Keyin code 2 Codeimport 3 receivecode 4 Clear list USBinitializating 3 Whenthetransferisfinished Thescreen returnbacktopreviousmenuautomatically Receivecode Transfer USB Job A PCDDE LIB Receiving STOP 20 3 3All clear All codedata inmemorycan bedeletedbythis operation PROCEDURE OperatingProcedure Oper...

Page 142: ...for the operation please take chapter 19 Road design as reference 20 4Memory mode In this mode usercan manage the transferring and editingof filebyPC PROCEDURE OperatingProcedure Operation Display Select 5UDiskMode in the Memory ModeScreen andpress ENT orpressnumeric key5 5 UDisk Mode ENT Momory 1 1 JOB 2 Knowm data 3 code 4 define roads 5 UDisk Mode 2 Enterthedisplayfor connecting U Disk Mode Con...

Page 143: ...data By pessing ESC on the keyboard of KTS 440RC disconnects thecomputer and returns todatacommunication menu 20 5Initialization This operation restores instrument parameters to factorydefault settings and clear alldata Below settings will berestoredbyinitialization Observation condition Atmospherecorrection vertical angle format tilt correction measurement type auto power off coordinate unit mini...

Page 144: ...owdata will beinitialized 1 data inall jobs 2 data ininterior memory 3 code in interior memory OperatingProcedure Operation Display Select 6 initialize and press ENT or pressnumerickey6 6 initialize ENT Memory 1 1 JOB 2 knowndata 3 code 4 defineroads 5 U disckmode Memory 2 6 initialize 7 allfile 8 grid factor 2 YES Confirmforinitialization NO Cancelinitialization YES Initialize Restorefactoryset A...

Page 145: ...setwo filesaresystemfile whichcouldnot bedeletedorchanged JOB1 JOB job file JOB1 HAL horizontalalignment file JOB1 VCL verticalcurvefile JOB1 TXT text file PCODE LIB CODE COORD PTS Know JOB1 JOB JOB JOB1 HAL HZAL JOB1 JVCL VTAL ATTR SRCH EXIT P1 20 7SettingforGridFactor When calculating coordinates measured horizontal distance should be multiplied byscale factor The raw data will not bechanged bys...

Page 146: ...digit after radixpoint default value is0 Operationprocedure Key Display 1 Select 8 Grid factor inMemoryMode Screen andpress ENT orpressnumerickey8 8 Grid factor ENT Memory 1 1 JOB 2 knowndata 3 code 4 defineroads 5 Udisckmode Memory 2 6 initialize 7 allfile 8 grid factor Itdisplayscurrentsetting Input elevationand scalefactor press ENT key Input elevation ENT Inputscale factor ENT Grid Factor 1 00...

Page 147: ...s possible to record instrument station data inaJOB The items which can be recorded are the instrument coordinates point number codes instrumentheight operator date time weather wind temperature air pressure atmospheric correction factor target type prism constant correctionvalue anddistance measurement method PROCEDURE OperatingProcedure Operation Display Press REC inthesecondpageofMEAS Mode The ...

Page 148: ...CODE OK Date 2010 08 07 Time 10 14 52 Weat Fine Wind Calm Mode Fine S SA VE OK Temp 20 Press 1013 0hPa PPM 0 PC 30 SA VE 0PPM OK Afterenteringalldata press OK torecordthe stationdataandrestorethe Record Mode Screen OK 1 Stndata A JOB01 2 backsightdata 3 angledata 4 distdata 5 Coorddata 6 dist coorddata Movement of thecursorbetween items Entryrules Readin coordinate READ Pt 14numerals and letters C...

Page 149: ...rementscreen usd to select 2 Backsightdata p etting orpress numerickey2 displaysasright choose 1 angle 1 Angle BackSightData 1 Angle 2 Coord InputAzimuth andpress OK key Inputangle value OK SetAzimuth HAR 5 OK Sightatbacksightpointandpress YES YES SetAzimuth SightBSpoint HAR 0 00 00 NO YES Finish azimuthz ettingandreturnstoprevious menu 1 Stndata A JOB01 2 backsightdata 3 angledata 4 distdata 5 Co...

Page 150: ...s YES finish settingandreturnstocoordinatemeasurementmenu screen YES 1 Stndata A JOB01 2 backsightdata 3 angledata 4 distdata 5 Coorddata 6 dist coorddata 21 3RecordingAngle Measurement Data It is possible to recordanglemeasurement dataonlyin aJOB after enteringRecord Mode Once thedatahasbeen recorded REC cannot be displayed in order toprevent doublerecording It is convenient to useAUTO toperforma...

Page 151: ...size 14 alphanumeric Maximumcodesize 16 alphanumeric REC ZA 76 34 17 HAR 64 22 10 Pt k2009 Code KOLIDA Tgt h 1 67 m SA VE CODE Press SA VE to recorddata Becausethesame datacannotberecorded asecond time REC is notdisplayed afterrecording SA VE REC Angle Pt POINT2000 ZA 45 18 23 HAR 87 23 09 ANGLE AUTO ANGLE measuretheangleagain ANGLE REC Angle ZA HAR Pt POINT2001 REC ANGLE AUTO Press ESC torestoret...

Page 152: ...cal angle horizontalangle pointnumber codes and target height PROCEDURE OperatingProcedure Operation Display Performcoordinatemeasurementin the MEAS Mode Screen Meas PC 30 PPM 0 S 1234 789 m ZA 89 59 54 HAR 90 01 00 P2 SD SHV HSET EDM Press REC onthesecondpageofMEAS Mode REC 1 Stndata A JOB01 2 backsightdata 3 angledata 4 distdata 5 Coorddata 6 dist coorddata select 4 distdata andpress ENT or pres...

Page 153: ...nd automatically record the results When this is done the point number automatically increases from that displayed when the KTS entered Record Mode and the code that was displayed is used unchanged After measurement hasbeen completed the results aredisplayfor 2 seconds and the screendisplayed beforeAUTO waspressed is restored Offset measurement inRecordMode OFFSET It is possible to advance through...

Page 154: ...Coorddata ENT REC Coord N 10 364 E 234 897 Z 49 098 Pt POINT2000 REC OBS OFFS AUTO Press REC torecord themeasurementdata with Enterfollowingdata Pointnumber code target height REC N 10 364 E 234 897 Z 49 098 Pt POINT2000 Code KOLIDA SA VE R HT CODE When theselfcheckingisfinished Press SA VE to recorddata Systemwillcreatesanewpoint numberbyadding 1 onthebaseoflast point number usercanusethisnumberd...

Page 155: ...nd Offset Angle by pressing OFFSET See 12 Offset Measurement for the procedure 21 6Recording distance andcoordinatedata Thefunction can measuredistance and coordinate at the same time then record distancedataandcoordinatedata seperatelyin working jobs Under recordmode distancemeasurement data and coordinatedata can be savedin working jobs Toavoid recordingdatarepeatedly after recording eachmeasure...

Page 156: ...rd PC 0 PPM 0 Fine S Stop Press ESC toreturnto recordmodescreen ESC 1 Stndata JOB01 2 Backsightdata 3 Angledata 4 Distdata 5 Coorddata 6 Dist coorddata measure coordinateand recorddistanceandcoordinate dataautomatically AUTO ByusingAUTO key it allows you to measure coordinate and record the result under record mode The point number will be original numberplus 1 codes remain the same After recordin...

Page 157: ...It is possible to search for data within the JOB to be displayed by point number but the note data can not be searched PROCEDURE OperatingProcedure Operation Display Press REC inthesecondpageofMEAS Mode The Record ModeScreen isdisplayed REC 7 note 8 view Select 8 view andpress ENT the Point NumberDisplayScreen isdisplayed Cursorupordown or Pagepreviousornext or SRCH Checkingbypointnumber DELDelete...

Page 158: ...158 Press ESC toreturntopreviousmenu ESC Pt 101 Pt 102 Pt 103 Pt 104 VIEW SRCH DEL ADD Press ESC again to restorethe Record ModeScreen ESC 7 note 8 view ...

Page 159: ...rs user setting 1 and user setting 2 User setting keys registered could be resumed at anytime It is definite to operate the KTS 440 efficiently because unique soft key allocations can be preset to suit various applications and theways that different operators handle the instrument Press CNFG in the Status Screen the setting mode screen is displayed Select 6 Key Function and press either ENT ornume...

Page 160: ... inthe instrument until theyare set again It is possible to registertwo kinds of allocations Usersetting1 andUser setting 2 NOTE When softkeyallocations are recorded and registered the previouslyrecorded settingsare cleared ExistingKeyAllocations 1 Setting 2 Registration SetnewallocationsinKey Allocation Mode Displaynewkeyallocations 3 Readin RECORDING Registration User setting 1 User setting 2 Fa...

Page 161: ...data 14 View Displayobservationdata for the selectedJOB 15 EDM Distance measurement parameters setting Atmospheric correction prismconstant correction distance measurement mode 16 COORD Coordinates measurement 17 S O Setting out measurement 18 OFFSET Offset measurement 19 MENU ToMenu Mode 20 RESEC Resection measurement 21 DOUT Output measurement results toexternal instrument 22 F M Switch between ...

Page 162: ...key6 the KeySettingMenuScreen isdisplayed 6 Key Function ENT KeyFunc 1 Define 2 Registration 3 Recall Select 1 Define andpress ENT orpress numerickey1 the Allocation Screen is displayed 1 Define ENT P1 DIST SHV DIST HSET EDM SHV P2 0SET CRD 0SET S O REC HSET P3 MLM RESE R L MENU HT OK Align thecursorwith thekeyson thelefthalf ofthescreenwhoseallocationischanged using or or KeyFunc P1 DIST SHV DIST...

Page 163: ...r two soft key arrays allocated in the Allocation Screen as User Registration 1 and User Registration 2 Theregistered softkeyarrays can be called and usedas needed See 18 2RecallingAllocation PROCEDURE OperatingProcedure Operation Display In SettingModeScreen select 6 Key Function press ENT orpressnumerickey6 the KeySettingMenuScreen isdisplayed 6 Key Function ENT KeyFunc 1 Define 2 Registration 3...

Page 164: ...ENT orpressnumerickey6 the KeySettingMenuScreen isdisplayed 6 Key Function ENT KeyFunc 1 Define 2 Registration 3 Recall Select 3 Recall andpress ENT to showthe AllocationRecallScreen 3 Recall ENT KeyFunc 1 User s1 2 User s2 3 Default Select 1 User s1 or 2 User s2 or 3 Default andpress ENT torestorekeyfunctions T Thisdisplaysthefunctionsintherecalled arrayin the MEAS ModeScreen 1 User s 1 ENT KeyFu...

Page 165: ...tancemeasurementmode SD HD VD Automaticpowercutoff Auto cutoffafter30Minutes Switch on offbykey Coordinatesformat N E Z E N Z Minimumanglevalue 1 5 Read inJOB EntertheRead in JOB Table2 Screen Setting Parameters Options Factorysetting Communication Setup Baudrate 1200b s 2400b s 4800b s 9600b s 19200b s 38400b s 57600b s 115200b s Datalength 8 bits 7 bits Parity None Even Odd Stopbit 1 bit 2 bits ...

Page 166: ...00gons MIL Distance M Ft PROCEDURE OperatingProcedure Operation Display In Measurementscreen press ESC toshow thestatusscreen ESC 2004 01 01 10 00 48 KTS 440 No S09996 Ver 2004 1 02 Job JOB01 MEAS MEM CNFG Press CNFG underthestatusscreen the SettingModeScreenisdisplayed CNFG Config 1 1 Obs condition 2 Instr const 3 Date time 4 Commssetup 5 Unit ...

Page 167: ...s condition 2 Instr const 3 Date time 4 Commssetup 5 Unit Select 4 Commssetup andpress ENT to showthe Communication Conditions SettingScreen Itispossibletocheckand changetheparametersettings Thefollowingaretheselectedconditions Thosemarked byan arevaluessetatthe factory ENT Baud rate 1200b s Databits 8bits Parity Notset Stopbit 1bit Checksum off Xon Xoff No Align thecursoratthefinalitemaftersettin...

Page 168: ...plate level with adjustingpin 2 Confirmwhetherthebubble is in thecenterbyrotating the instrument 180º If not repeatProcedure 3 Turn the instrument 90º and adjust the thirdscrew tocenter thebubble in the platelevel Repeat inspectionand adjustment stepsuntil thebubble remainsin centerwith theplate level inanydirection 24 2CircularLevel Inspection No adjustment is necessary if the bubble of the circu...

Page 169: ...ng screws uniformly with an adjusting pin Rotate the reticle around the collimation axis and alignthe vertical line of the reticle withpointA 3 Tighten the reticle adjusting screws uniformly Repeat the inspection and adjustment to see if the adjustment is correct 4 Replace the eyepiece cover 24 4Perpendicularityof Collimation Line toHorizontalAxis 2c Inspection 1 Set object Aat a far distance the ...

Page 170: ...nstr Const ENT 1 Obs condition 2 Instr Const 3 Date time 4 Commssetup 5 Unit 6 Keyfunction press keyto choose 3 collimation then press ENT key orpressnumerickey3 enter collimation erroradjustmentfunction 3 collimation ENT 1 V0 Axisconst 2 V0 Adjustment 3 Collimation 4 horizontalaxis 5 Instr Const 6 ContrastADJ Atpositiveposition Faceleft sightattarget press OK Faceleft sightattarget OK Collimation...

Page 171: ...he instrument should displaythe vertical angle value 3 Rotate the vertical clamp screw slowly in either direction about 10mm in circumference and the error message b will appear The vertical axis has been increased to more than 3ˊat this time and exceed the designated compensationrange Rotate the above screw to its original position and the instrument displayscreen will show the vertical angle aga...

Page 172: ...celeft sightattarget press OK Faceleft sightattarget OK V0 adjustment Step 1 Front ZA 0 21 49 HAR 185 47 42 OK Rotatetelescope Atthereverseposition face right sightatthesametargetprecisely press OK Faceright and sightat target OK V0Adjustment Step 2 Reverse ZA 179 38 30 HAR 5 50 15 OK Afteradjustment itshows set onthescreen thedisplayreturnstoInstrumentconstantmenu screen 1 V0 Axisconst 2 V0 Adjus...

Page 173: ...int twice OperationProcedure Key Display Under Instrument constantsetting functions choose 4 Horizontalaxis and press ENT key or press numeric key4 enter horizontalaxiserror correction menu 4 Horizontal axis ENT 1 V0 Axisconst 2 V0 Adjustment 3 Collimation 4 horizontalaxis 5 Instr Const 6 ContrastADJ Thescreen showsasrightdiagram at the front position face left sight at the target precisely The ob...

Page 174: ...ive cover between the optical plummet eyepiece and focusingknob 2 Fix the paper Rotate the instrument and mark the point of fall of the center of optical plummet on the paper at every90 As illustrated PointA B C D 3 Draw linesthat attachAC andBD and mark the intersectionpoint of the two linesasO 4 Adjust the four adjusting screws of the optical plummet with an adjusting pin until the center mark c...

Page 175: ...changed and is not closed to 0 If the operator wants to adjust shouldset StadiaConstantaccordingtheConstant K Set the direction by using the Vertical Hair to make Point A B C on the same line strictly On Point there must be fixed andclear centering mark Whether the prism center of Point B coincides with the Instrument Center is the important tache to inspect the accuracy So onPointBTripodor tribra...

Page 176: ... Looking straight at the laser beamshould bealways consideredas hazardous Precautions Do not stare at the beam or point it to the other people Measuring result might also available even the laser pass through body Inspection A target plate is provided Set it up between five and 20 meters away with the grey reflective side facing the instrument Move the telescope to face II Switch on the red laser ...

Page 177: ... inspection by the instrument on Point Aand B Prism pole has been perpendicular If then the bubble offset fromthe center adjust thethree screws undercircular vial to make thebubble centered refer to Chapter20 2 Checkandadjustagainuntil thebubble is in the center ofthe vialfromboth directions 25 SPECIFICATION TYPE KTS 442R6LC KTS 442R6C KTS 442LLC KTS 442LC Redvisible laser Laser External MemorySto...

Page 178: ...uring time Prismfine 2mm 2ppm D 1 8s Prismtracking 5mm 2ppm D 0 8s Measuringrange Below isonlyforKTS 442R6LC 442R6C With reflector Air condition Standard prism Sheet 5km 5000m 800m 20km 8000m 1000m Non reflector Air condition Non prism white Non prismgrey0 18 Objective stronglyflashes undersunlight 550m 500m Cloudyor objective under shadow 600m 550m Kodak GreyCard used withexposure meter for refle...

Page 179: ...m measurement 50mm Magnification 30 View field 1 30 Min focusingdistance 1m Resolutionpower 3 Tilt sensor System DualAxis Liquid electric Detection plate vial Working range 3 Accuracy 6 Vial Plate vial 30 2mm Circular vial 8 2mm Optical plummert only availablewith442R6C 442LC Image Erect Magnification 3 Focusing range 0 5m View field 5 Display part Type 6 lines Data communication Port RS 232C mini...

Page 180: ...ory Notfound Therequireddataisnotfound Confirmthatdataisexisted and search again Outofrange Thetilterrorofinstrumentexceeds3 preciselyleveltheinstrument CircularError 3knownpointsonadangerouscircle Selecttheknownpointagain RangeError Thedirectionofknownpointerror Checktheknown pointagain Error01 08 Anglemeasurementsystemerror Iftheseerrormessagesarecontinuously showed sendtheinstrumenttoKOLIDA age...

Page 181: ...et On board battery 1pc Charger 1pc Plummet 1pc Correctionpin 2pcs Furbrush 1pc Screwdriver 1pc Hexagon wrench 2pcs Cloth 1pc desiccant 1bag Operatingmanual 1pc Exequatur 1pc reflector sheet 20 20 30 30 40 40 60 60 different sizeone foreach ...

Page 182: ...e used in sending data from instrument to computer relative data format will be sent with commands meansspace 20H When Check sum in Communication parameters setting is set to ON there are 2 bytes check sum added in the output data Sendingcommand andoutputting data Outputcommand is sendfromcomputerto instrument Instrument Computer OK NG Computer Computer Check sum Send output command Well received ...

Page 183: ... CRLF a b c d a Slopedistance value b Vertical angle value c Horizontal angle value d Check sum Note If there are some errorsoccured in angle and distance measurement result Exxx will be output ina b c Othercommandformats Check sum Thecalculation methodis sameas standardcommand For example A KTSxxx 123456 4100 2506 39CRF Calculation 41H 20H 53H 45H 54H 2CH 539H When check sum parameter is set to O...

Page 184: ... 1 1 5 h Vertical angledisplay 0 Zenith 0 1 Horizontal 0 2 Horizontal0 90 i Always be 0 j Tilt correction 0 None 1 Singleaxis k Always be 0 l Coordinatesformat 0 N E Z 1 E N Z m Always be 0 3 Instrument station coordinateoutputcommand Da Da 1234 567 1234 567 9999999 999 SUM CRLF a b c d a Dataidentification code b Instrument station pointN coordinate value c Instrument station pointE coordinate va...

Page 185: ...ureandppmoutput command De De 12 245 1 500 20 1015 39 SUM CRLF a b c d e f b Dataidentification code c Instrument height d Targetheight e Temperature f Pressure g ppm 7 Coordinatesetting out data output command Df Df 1234 567 12 345 9 182 SUM CRLF a b c d a Dataidentification code b N coordinate setting out value c E coordinate setting out value d Z coordinate setting out value 8 Slopedistance and...

Page 186: ... value f Horizontal angle value 9 Horizontaldistanceand angle value output command Eb Eb 0000 0 1 500 199 99 999 89 5959 359 5959 SUM CRLF a b c d e f g h g Dataidentification code h State data same as Ea i Always be 0 j Targetheight k ppm l Height difference value m Zenith value Vertical angle value n Horizontal angle value 10 Heightdifferenceand angledateoutputcommand Ec Ea 0000 0 1 500 199 99 9...

Page 187: ...e value 12 Angleand angleof inclination datainputcommand Ee Ee 0000 0 1 500 199 89 5959 359 5959 0 0032 0 0216 SUM CRLF a b c d e f g h I a Dataidentification b State data same as Ea c Always be 0 d Targetheight e ppm f Zenith value vertical angle value g Horizontal angle value h X angleof inclination i Yangleof inclination 13 REMdataoutput command Ef Ef 0000 299 45 1234 25 623 SUM CRLF a b c d e ...

Page 188: ... command Gb Gb 123 456 777 777 SUM CRLF a b c a Dataidentification code b Horizontaldistancesetting out value c Horizontaldistancemeasured value 17 Heightdifferencesetting out dataoutput command Gc Gc 123 456 666 666 SUM CRLF a b c a Dataidentification code b Height difference setting out value c Height difference measured value 18 Coordinate setting outdataoutputcommand Gd Gd 378 902 248 908 99 9...

Page 189: ...will be displayed in unit set Whenentering angle value thedecimal shouldbebehind integer value of angle For example Angle value359 59 59 shouldbeentered as359 5959 Instrument Computer Sendingcommandsand outputtingdata After computer sending input command 1 to instrument instrument sends a receiving state code ACK NAK communication control Computer Received 06H ACK Send output command send06H ACK a...

Page 190: ...mand Db Db 123 456 359 5959 SUM CRLF Theformat is same as inputcommand Db 4 Horizontal angleinputcommand Dc Dc 359 5959 SUM CRLF a b a Dataidentification code b Horizontal angle value 5 Backsightcoordinate inputcommand Dd Dd 123 456 _123 456 _999 999 SUM CRLF The format is same as inputcommand Dd 6 Instrument height target height temperature pressure inputcommand De De 12 345 1 500 20 1015 SUN CRL...

Page 191: ...ng failed resendcommand Note Pleasereferto sendingcommend andoutputtingdata section Set command format Following commands endwithCRLF 0DH 0AH orCR 0DH 1 Xa Set distance measurement mode to befine single measurement 2 Xb Set distancemeasurementmode to befine repeat measurement 3 Xc Set distance measurement mode to befineN times measurement 4 Xe Setdistance measurement mode to be tracking measuremen...

Page 192: ...ntered manually 2 Road alignment data is managedbychainage 1 1ROADALIGNMENTELEMENTS There aretwo ways to enter thealignment elements 1 DownloadfromPC 2 Manuallyinput on the KTS440 R L series total station How to enter thealignment datais explainedbelow AlignmentElement Parameter Straight Bearing Distance TransitionCurve Radius Length of Transition Curve Arc Radius LengthofArc PT N E radius A1 A2 N...

Page 193: ...Lof ROADS inPROGmenu Stakenumber 0 N 1100 000 E 1050 000 Press ENT andthen press F4 PT Enter thefollowingdata N 1300 000 E 1750 000 R 100 000 A1 80 000 A2 80 000 Enter the following data in the above way N 1750 000 E 1400 000 R 200 000 A1 0 000 A2 0 000 N 2000 000 E 1800 000 R 0 000 A1 0 000 A2 0 000 Theformat of thedataabove transmitted to computer is asfollows START 0 000 1050 000 1100 000CRLF P...

Page 194: ...tionalcurve R radius L1 R A 2 1 100 80 2 64 m L2 R A 2 2 100 80 2 64m CalculationofDeflectionAngle A L 2 2 2 1 80 64 2 2 2 0 32 rad deg 0 32 180 18 20 06 1 2 Calculationof coordinate ofpoints on transitional curve 2 A N 9360 216 10 1 6 4 2 2 A E 7560 1320 42 3 7 5 3 32 0 2 80 N 9360 216 10 1 32 0 32 0 32 0 6 4 2 9360 4 0010734182 0 216 01048576 0 10 01024 0 1 64 00000011 0 00004855 0 01024 0 1 64 ...

Page 195: ... 31 891 In the symmetrical transitional curve N N m m 2 1 CalculationofTangentDistance N R R D m LA LA ec LA R 1 1 2 1 cot cos 2 tan LA 111 55 47 sin 1 cos ec tan 1 cot D1 100 tan 111 55 47 2 1 7 1 sin111 55 47 1 7 1 tan111 55 47 31 891 148 06015 1 8326 0 6844 31 891 182 468 D D 2 1 Calculationof coordinate ofpoint KA1 1 1 1 1 cos D N N IP KA 1 1 1 1 sin D E E IP KA Bearing fromBPtoIP1 1 74 03 16 ...

Page 196: ... IA R CL IA 95 52 11 So CL 200 95 52 11 180 334 648 m Tangent length 2 tan IA R TL 200 tan 95 52 11 2 221 615 m Calculate coordintesofeachpoints 2 2 cos TL N N IP BC 2 2 sin TL E E IP BC 3 2 cos TL N N IP EC 3 2 sin TL E E IP EC Here 2 bearingfromIP1 to IP2 322 07 30 1 3 Bearing fromIP2to EP 57 59 40 6 NBC 1750 221 615 cos322 07 30 1 1575 068 m EBC 1400 221 615 sin322 07 30 1 1536 058m NEC 1750 22...

Page 197: ...1444 068 1575 2 2 m straight lineEC EP 084 250 929 1587 1800 456 1867 2000 2 2 m Start point coordinate BP N 1100 000m E 1050 000 m straight linebetweenBPandKA1 Bearing 74 03 16 6 Distance 545 543 m Transitional curvebetween KA1 and KE1 Radius 100 m sign is thatcurve turns left towardthe end point Length 64 m Arcbetween KE1 and KE2 Radius 100 m sign is thatcurve turns left towardthe end point Leng...

Page 198: ...ns left towardthe end point Length 64 m Straight line betweenKA2 and BC Bearing 322 07 30 1 Distance 166 004m ArcbetweenBc andEC Radius 200 nosign means thatcurve turnsleft toward theend point Length 334 648m Straight line betweenEC and EP Bearing 57 59 40 6 Distance 250 084m ...
