Updating the
KODAK␣ Driver
This appendix provides information on obtaining and installing updated
scanner software including:
Directions for downloading the software electronically. We recommend
this as the preferred method of obtaining driver updates.
Directions for installing the updated software.
The availability of software downloading service described in this section
may vary from area to area.
When Kodak prepares updated versions of the scanner software (for ex-
ample new scanner software, new firmware control programming for the
scanner, or new film terms to support new film releases), it makes those
updates available electronically. Downloading an update is the quickest
way to obtain the most current software. You receive the software immedi-
ately, and at your convenience. However, it is your responsibility to check
the web site for updates.
Downloading a driver requires communications access, for example a
modem, communications software, and a telephone line - items not sup-
plied by Kodak.
You access updated software at the Kodak web site at: