Film Motion (Reverse Eject, Reverse, Forward, Forward Eject)
From left to right these four buttons represent Reverse Eject, Reverse,
Forward, and Forward Eject; they generate commands that move the film-
strip in the scanner. Clicking Reverse or Forward moves the filmstrip one
frame at a time in the designated direction. Clicking Reverse Eject or For-
ward Eject moves the filmstrip in the designated direction until the film is
clear of the scanner. The buttons are not enabled unless there is a filmstrip
in the scanner. There is no eject button for a slide; a slide must be removed
by hand.
You can also move the filmstrip in either direction in fine increments,
rather than a full frame at a time. This helps you ensure that an individual
frame is properly positioned in the scanner. To do so:
Option-click (hold down the Option key, click Reverse or
Forward, release the key).
Control-click (hold down the Ctrl key, click Reverse or
Forward, release the key).
You can verify the positioning of the film by watching the frame through
the view window on top of the scanner as you use these buttons. Once you
have properly positioned the filmstrip, you can create thumbnails by click-
ing Prescan Frame or Prescan Strip, or you can scan images directly with-
out creating a thumbnail by clicking Scan or Scan to File.
Zoom In and Zoom Out
Use these two buttons to zoom in or out on the preview image as follows:
1. Click either zoom button to turn it on.
2. Click a spot in the preview image; the image is zoomed (in or out, de-
pending on which button you clicked) and centered on the spot you