Image Displays
Image previews in three different sizes — thumbnails, larger fixed preview
image area, and a separate image window resizable to your full monitor size
Zoom in/out on fixed previewed image and image in image window
A/D Performance
12-bit A/D conversion
Dynamic Range
3.6 dynamic range
Color/Gray Levels
Scan is 36 bits (3 color, 12 bits/color)
Output is 8 bits
Color Depth
Selectable between 8-bits and 12-bits per channel (image processing is
always performed in 12-bit data space and output is in 8-bit)
Color Management
Monitor profiles for popular displays, and multiple ICC output profiles
Color Balance
Color balance through a variety of selectable features including: auto-
balance button with Kodak-developed Scene Balance Algorithm; default
balance button; and manual controls with click-balance (Black, Gray, and
White pointer) buttons and CMYK/RGB sliders
Image Controls
Levels and curves including tone curve and histogram functions performed
on all colors or individually on red, green, and blue channels
Sharpen, crop, rotate, and flip images
Adjustments for brightness, contrast, and saturation
Specification of output size and magnification