Scanning Resolutions
User selectable from 72 to 3600 dots per inch (dpi)
On-screen Indicators
Display of color values (either CMYK or RGB values), file size, scan area,
scan resolution, and zoom percentage
Undo and Color Resets
Single-level undo, and reset control of color balancing, levels and curve
Scan File Formats
Scan final images to Photoshop windows or directly to TIFF or JPEG files
Batch Scans
Performs batch scans on 3 to 36 frames
Scans adjacent or separated frames from single filmstrip
Scan File Size
Approximately 50 megabytes (MB) for 8-bit scans on full 35 mm frames at
3600 dpi input resolution.
Product Help
Product help via: software tool tips, status bar, and messages; user’s
manual in PDF format; and telephone and web site support (upgrades)
Save Software Controls
Save the current scanner settings and recall them in later work sessions
Upgrades for the scanner software, firmware, and film terms - if available -
on-line at