This section provides brief explanations of terms used in conjunction with
the scanner. Refer to the
to find additional reference material about
the following terms.
Move image data from the scanner into an image-editing
application. This occurs when you click Scan in the scanner
software window. As the image is acquired, the settings
you’ve made are applied to the image data.
The software provided as part of the scanner that allows you
to access the scanner from your computer. Also called the
“Photoshop driver” on the Macintosh computer platform,
and the “TWAIN driver” on the PC-compatible platform.
Software control programming located in the scanner.
Image preview window
The single, large image area on the Settings tab.
Imager (sensor)
The light sensitive object positioned within the scanner
that collects light striking it through your film.
Driver window
The window displayed by the driver on which the follow-
ing appear: thumbnails, a preview image, and controls that
allow you to manipulate the scanning process.
Photoshop driver
The scanner software that allows you to access the
scanner from your Macintosh computer. Another driver, the
“TWAIN driver” provides similar access on the PC-compat-
ible platform.
Another name for the driver software.
Power on Light
A light at the top right front of the scanner that when on
indicates that the scanner is on.