Features of your vehicle
Loss of the smart key
A maximum of 2 smart keys can be
registered to a single vehicle.
If you happen to lose your smart key,
you will not be able to start the
engine. You should immediately take
the vehicle and remaining key to your
authorized Kia dealer(tow the vehi-
cle, if necessary) to protect it from
potential theft.
Smart key precautions
• The smart key will not work if any
of the following occur:
- The smart key is close to a radio
transmitter such as a radio sta-
tion or an airport which can inter-
fere with normal operation of the
smart key.
- The smart key is near a mobile
two way radio system or a cellu-
lar phone.
- Another vehicle’s smart key is
being operated close to your
• When the smart key does not work
correctly, open and close the door
with the mechanical key and contact
an authorized Kia dealer.
• If the smart key is in close proximity
to your cell phone or smart phone,
the signal from the smart key could
be blocked by normal operation of
your cell phone or smart phone.
This is especially important when
the phone is active such as making
a call, receiving calls, text messag-
ing, and/or sending/receiving
emails. Avoid placing the smart key
and your cell phone or smart phone
in the same pants or jacket pocket
and maintain adequate distance
between the two devices.
If the keyless entry system is inoper-
ative due to exposure to water or liq-
uids, it will not be covered by your
manufacturer’s vehicle warranty.
Keep the transmitter away from
water or any liquid as it can
become damaged and not func-
tion properly.
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