Series 2280 Precision DC Power Supply Reference Manual
Section 7: SCPI command reference
077085503 / March 2019
This command allows you to set up and query a list of custom values for a specified list.
Affected by
Where saved
Default value
Command only
Instrument reset
Nonvolatile memory
Not applicable
[:SOURce[n]]:LIST<listNumber>:<element> <string>
Channel number: For single-channel instruments, the value is
The list number: 1 to 9
The elements that each list step contains:
Current source value:
Voltage source value:
The dwell time of each list step:
The setting values delimited by commas; the maximum length of a string
is 2048
This command defines a list of up to 99 values for a specified list. Creating a list with more than 99
step points results in error 201,"Too many list points."
When you specify the values for a list, you should keep the value order in the string identical with the
sequence that the list executes.
To add source values to an existing list, use the following command:
All of the values specified by this command are temporary until they are saved by sending the
To create a valid list, the number of points for voltage, current, and dwell must be the same. If they
are not the same, when you save the list by sending the
command, the instrument will generate error 202, "List lengths not equivalent."