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Relationship to the authorities in various

Technical data for Jøtul F 

320 .................................................


General safety precautions ....................................................... 9
Measures to prevent fires ......................................................... 9

Installation of Jøtul F 


Foundations ................................................................................. 9
Chimney ........................................................................................ 9
Air circulation ................................................................................ 9
Assembly prior to installation ................................................. 10
Control of functions ................................................................... 10
Installation of flue pipe ............................................................. 10
Connection to chimney ............................................................. 10

Operating instructions

Initial lighting and daily use .................................................... 10
Initial lighting ............................................................................... 10
Daily use ........................................................................................ 10


Cleaning the glass ....................................................................... 11
Ash removal .................................................................................. 11
Cleaning and soot removal ...................................................... 11
Sweeping of flue pipes to the chimney ............................... 11
Control of the stove ................................................................... 11
External maintenance ................................................................ 11
The length, quantity and quality of logs ............................. 11
Jøtuls definition of quality wood .......................................... 12


Changing the burn plates ......................................................... 12
Changing the air chamber ........................................................ 12
Changing the baffle plate ......................................................... 12
Changing the heat shield and side plates ........................... 12
Changing the lower front plate .............................................. 12

Optional equipment

Adapted decorations in soapstone ........................................ 13
Grilling grid ................................................................................... 13
Flue pipe decoration .................................................................. 13

Relationship to the
authorities in various

The Jøtul F 


 is a clean burning free-standing heating

stove for solid fuel.

The product data plate is located on the heat shield and is
made of heat-resistant material. The following information
is listed on the data plate: Manufacturer and address,
model number, manufacturing number, rated heat output,
registration number (after assignment),  style, and safety

Prior to starting on the installation the appropriate permits
must be obtained from the relevant local authorities.

Installation of a fireplace must be according to local codes
and regulations in each country. Your dealer has been
specially selected for his knowledge of your local codes
and may provide assistance in ensuring that your
installation is safe and legal.

Instructions for mounting, installation and use are enclosed
with the product.  The installation may only be used when
it has been inspected and a certificate of completion has
been issued.

Warning! Please ensure that there is adequate ventilation
in the room in which the stove is to be installed.
Insufficient ventilation may cause oxygen depletion in the
room and may lead to tiredness, nausea and sickness, and is
very dangerous.

Special attention must be paid to the following:

The chimney or flue system must comply with the Building
Regulations for heat producing appliances. It is important
to ensure that the chimney has the correct dimensions for
the stove and that the attachment to the chimney is sealed
and is functioning properly. Smoke gas entering enclosed
spaces may represent a serious health risk.

The chimney or flue must be sound and clean. If it has been
used with a wood, coal or other solid fuel fire, it 



swept before the stove is installed.
Ensure that only one stove is served by the chimney or flue
Ensure that the chimney or flue is structurally sound. In
particular, it must not be possible for products of
combustion to come into contact with combustible
materials in the structure of the building.
In some situations it may be advisable to fit a flue liner
prior to the installation of the stove. Your installer will advise
if this is necessary.

Summary of Contents for F 320

Page 1: ...ed uso 26 Montage und Bedienungsanleitung 32 Installatie en montagehandleiding 38 J tul F 320 Monterings og bruksanvisningen m oppbevares under hele produktets levetid These instructions must be kept...

Page 2: ...2...

Page 3: ...ffekt godkjenningsnummer Installasjonenavetildstedm v reihenholdtildetenkelte landsloverogregler Dinforhandlerharblittspesieltutvalgt for sin kunnskap om produktet og de lokale regler og krav og kan t...

Page 4: eller t mmes der dette ikke medf rer brannfare Tilethvertildstedb rdetv reenoppbevaringsbeholder av ikke brennbart materiale med lokk for sot og aske Sot og aske m oppbevares i denne beholderen min...

Page 5: ...terviktigat systemetblirbruktriktig Ildstedet er utstyrt med betjeningsmuligheter som er beskrevet i avsnittet Kontroll av funksjoner Ved f rste gangs oppfyring pne opptenningsventilen p d ren fullt v...

Page 6: ...feieluke i r ykr ret eller gjennom produktets d r pning Da m brennplater luftkammer og ledeplate fjernes Se egne avsnitt under Servicearbeider Kontroll av ildstedet J tulanbefaleratduselvkontrollerer...

Page 7: ...p nytt med en M8 x 70 mm skrue sekskanthode Utskifting av ledeplate 1 For ta denne ut m brennplatene og luftkammeret fjernes Se egne avsnitt 2 L ft ledeplaten opp i bakkant skyv den litt bakover Deret...

Page 8: ...mits must be obtained from the relevant local authorities Installation of a fireplace must be according to local codes and regulations in each country Your dealer has been specially selected for his k...

Page 9: ...pescanbeordered from your J tul dealer If uninsulated flue pipes go through floors or walls the opening must be made of brick or masonry in such a way that the external surface of the pipe does not ge...

Page 10: ...e bottom part of the flue pipe and fill the gap with cement Fasten the flue pipe Note It is important that the joints are completely sealed Air leakage etc may lead to malfunction Connection to chimne...

Page 11: ...mtheburnchamber Rub it over the glass and then clean the glass with clean water If it is necessary to clean the glass more thoroughly we recommend a glass cleaner follow the instructions for use on th...

Page 12: ...thesidewallat thebottom so that they are locked in by the bottom edge Changing the air chamber fig 5 1 Remove the burn plates see separate section 2 Unscrew the M8 screw underneath the middle of the a...

Page 13: ...tet decorations in soapstone Mounting instructions is included in the package Grilling grid cat no 340943 If you want to have a barbecue open the door and put the grilling grid on the cams in the burn...

Page 14: ...tions suivantes figurent sur cette plaquette de caract ristiques Fabricant et adresse num ro de mod le num ro de fabrication puissance calorifique nominale num ro d enregistrement apr s affectation re...

Page 15: ...arri re et lat raux La hauteur de l enceinte confin e doit tre quivalente la hauteur totale de l appareil la profondeurdel enceinte Lazonefrontaledoit tred gag e et ouverte Tuyau non isol Si vous dev...

Page 16: ...u e l avant sch ma 3 A Utilisez cette vis pour fixer solidement le tuyau Faites une marque l endroit o la vis vient se loger au bas du tuyau lorsque celui ci est ins r dans la sortie du conduit et per...

Page 17: ...rougeoiement r duisezaussit tl ouverturedel entr ed air principale Attention Laissez le feu se r duire en braises avant d ajouter d autres b ches Entretien Nettoyage de la vitre Le po le J tul F 320 e...

Page 18: ...e 60 produit seulement1 5 kWh kgenviron Service Remplacement des plaques de doublage sch ma 4 1 Retirezd abordlesplaquesdedoublageenlessoulevant l g rement par leurs tiges inf rieures puis en les tira...

Page 19: ...sur la plaque arri re Remettez la plaque sup rieure en place Veillez bien encastrer les plaques lat rales d coratives dans l espace form au sommet de la plaque sup rieure C Vissez solidement les plaqu...

Page 20: combusti n La placa de caracter sticas del producto se encuentra en la protecci nt rmicayest fabricadaconmaterialresistente al calor En esta placa figura la siguiente informaci n Fabricante y dire...

Page 21: ...iliza un tubo de humos sin aislamiento contra un muro de material inflamable deber n protegerse del muro hasta una altura de 600 mm Puede pedir a su proveedor J tul protecciones para tubos de humos y...

Page 22: ...pared de material inflamable Monte un tubo de humos de 150 mm de di metro en la estufa ste debe tener un grosor m nimo de 1 1 mm Monte el tubo de humos de 150 mm de di metro directamente en la salida...

Page 23: ...alentamiento cuando se coloca una cantidad excesiva de le a en la estufa o se deja completamente abierto el respiradero de tiro El tiro de la chimenea nunca debe exceder de 2 5 mm H2 O 25 Pa durante e...

Page 24: ...espec fico de los diferentes tipos de madera s var a considerablemente Por ejemplo un determinado volumen de abedul proporcionar menos kWh que el mismo volumen de roble que tiene un peso espec fico m...

Page 25: ...n las ranuras de la placabase B yapri telesconlostornillosalaplacatrasera Coloque la placa superior Compruebe que las placas laterales se insertan en el hueco entre la parte superior y la punta en el...

Page 26: ...erialerefrattario si trova sullo scudo termico Sulla piastra informativa si trovano le seguenti informazioni Produttore e indirizzo numero del modello numero di serie uscita di calore prevista numero...

Page 27: ...n materiale non isolante Quando si utilizzano condotti del fumo non isolanti contro un muro costruito in materiale infiammabile necessario che il condotto del fumo sia schermato dalla parete fino a un...

Page 28: ...ceneraio ed estrarlo Installazione del condotto del fumo consigliabile effettuare un montaggio di prova prima di fare un buco nel camino Vedere la fig 1 per le misure del muro costruito in materiale...

Page 29: trovato in mare Questi materiali potrebbero danneggiare il prodotto e inquinarel atmosfera Nota Nonutilizzaremailiquidiinfiammabilicomebenzina kerosene spirito rosso o simili per accendere il fuo...

Page 30: ...t nominaledi7 0 kWh Ilrequisitocalcolatoperl emissionenominaledicalore di 2 8 kg di legna di qualit ogni ora Legna di qualit Definizione di J tul La legna di buona qualit deve presentare un grado di e...

Page 31: sollevarlo e tirarlo avanti in modo che poggi sulla camma nella parte anteriore della parte superiore del camino Sostituzione dello schermo termico e delle piastre laterali fig 7 Per effettuare la...

Page 32: ...stellnummer Nennw rmeleistung Registriernummer DIN Norm Nummer Bauart und Sicherheitsabst nde Neben dem Typenschild befindet sich das berwachungszeichen Zeichen Bauarten von Kamin fen DIN18891untersch...

Page 33: ...amit die Au enfl che des Rohrs mindestens in einem Abstand von 200 mm am brennbarem Material vorbeigef hrt wird Isolierte Verbindungsst cke d rfen in einem anderen Abstandverlegtwerden vgl dieSicherhe...

Page 34: ...f r einen Wanddurchschlagangegeben Montieren Sie ein Verbindungsst ck mit 150 mm Durchmesser am Ofen Dieses mu eine Wandst rke von mindestens1 1mmbesitzen Montieren Sie das Verbindungsst ck mit 150 mm...

Page 35: ...itzestufe regulieren Sie ber die Verbrennungs geschwindigkeit stellenSiedazudenRegler f rdieSekund rluft Abb 2 B entsprechendein Entfernen Sie bei Bedarf die Asche Lassen Sie den Ofen niemals so voll...

Page 36: ...Verbindungsst ckoderdurchdieT r des Kaminofens gefegt werden Brennerplatten Luftkammer und Umlenkplatte m ssen dabei entfernt werden Siehe den Abschnitt zuWartungsarbeiten Inspektion des Ofens J tul e...

Page 37: Schraube Sechskantkopf Austausch der Umlenkplatte 1 BauenSiezumHerausnehmenderUmlenkplattezuerst die Luftkammer aus Siehe den entsprechenden Abschnitt 2 HebenSiedieUmlenkplattehintenanunddr ckenSie...

Page 38: ...n schoorsteen aan de lokaal geldendebouwverordeningenenhetBouwbesluitvoldoen Voorkom overlast naar Uw omgeving stook niet bij mist of windstil weer U stookt goed als de rook wit of kleurloos is Gebrui...

Page 39: nis en de zij en achterplaten van het product De nis moet minstenszohoogzijnalsdemaximalehoogtevandehaardplus dedieptevandenis Devoorkantmoetvrijblijven Niet geisoleerdekachelpijp Wanneerueenniet g...

Page 40: ...atsing van de kachelpijp Het is aan te bevelen een proefmontage uit te voeren voordat u een gat in de schoorsteen maakt Zie afb 1 voor afmetingen tot de tot muur van brandbaar materiaal Monteer een ka...

Page 41: ...m brandspiritus of soortgelijke brandbare vloeistoffen om het vuur aan te maken Hierdoor kunt u letsel oplopen of kan de haard wordenbeschadigd Oververhitting treedt op als de haard te veel brandhout...

Page 42: energie die 1 kg hout kan leveren varieert nietveel Hetgewichtvandezelfdehoeveelheiddrooghout verschilt daarentegen aanzienlijk van soort tot soort Zo levert een bepaalde hoeveelheid berkenhout min...

Page 43: ...n de onderplaat B enbevestigzevervolgensmetdeschroeven aan de achterplaat Leg bovenplaat op zijn plaats Zorg ervoor dat de zijplaten worden geplaatst in de opening tussen de bovenplaat en de opstaande...

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Page 48: ...oduktion undVerkauf von fen und Kaminen nach NS EN ISO 9001 richtet Diese Qualit tspolitik vermittelt unseren Kunden ein Gef hl von Sicherheit und Qualit t f r das J tul mit seiner langj hrigen Erfahr...
