Function overview
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Every positioning control requires a defined zero at start-up, which is determined by means of a homing. The item servo
positioning controller C 1-Series can do this homing on its own. As reference signals it evaluates different inputs, for example
the end switch inputs.
A homing can be started by means of a command via the communication interface or automatically with the controller
enabling. Optionally a start via a digital input can be programmed using the parameterisation program item Motion Soft
, to
carry out a specific homing independent of the controller enabling. The controller enabling acknowledges (with falling edge)
for example error messages and can be switched off depending on the application, without requiring another homing with a
new enabling. Since the existing digital inputs are used in standard applications, the use of the analog inputs AIN 1, AIN 2 as
digital inputs DIN AIN 1 and DIN AIN 2 as well as the digital outputs DOUT 2 and DOUT 3 as digital inputs DIN 10 and DIN 11
are optionally available.
Several methods as per the CANopen manual and following DSP 402 are implemented for the homing. Most methods first
search for a switch at search velocity. The further movement depends on the method of communication. If a homing is
activated via the fieldbus, there is generally no following positioning to zero. This is done optionally during the start via the
controller enabling or RS232. A following positioning is always an option. The default setting is “no following positioning”.
Ramps and velocities are parameterisable for the homing. The homing can also be time-optimal and jerk-limited.