Technical data
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Standard incremental encoders without commutation signals:
This type of encoder is used with low-cost linear motor applications, to save the costs for the provision of the commutation
signals (hall sensor). With this type of encoder the ARS 2100 SE series servo drives carry out an automatic pole position
determination after power-on.
Standard incremental encoders with commutation signals:
These are standard incremental encoders with three binary hall sensor signals. The number of lines of the encoder can be
freely parameterised (1 – 16384 lines/rotation). There is an additional offset angle for the hall sensor signals. It is determined
during motor identification or can be set via the parameterisation software Metronix ServoCommander®. In general, the hall
sensor offset angle is zero.
Sick-Stegmann encoders:
Single-turn and multi-turn shaft encoders with HIPERFACE® made by Sick-Stegmann are supported. The following series of
encoders can be connected:
Singleturn SinCos encoders: SCS 60/70, SKS 36, SRS 50/60/64, SEK 34/37/52
Multiturn SinCos encoders: SCM 60/70, SKM 36, SRM 50/60/64, SEL 34/37/52
Singleturn SinCos Hollow shaft encoders: SCS-Kit 101, SHS 170, SCK 25/35/40/45/50/53
Multiturn SinCos Hollow shaft encoders: SCM-Kit 101, SCL 25/35/40/45/50/53
In addition, the following Sick Stegmann encoder systems can be connected and evaluated:
Absolute, non-contact length measuring system L230 and TTK70 (HIPERFACE®)
Digital incremental encoder CDD 50