instructions. This feature saves program space and de-
sign time, and improves the bit handling capability of
the UPI-41A/41AH/42/42AH.
The lower half of PORT 2 provides an interface to the
8243 as illustrated in Figure 2-20. The PROG pin is
used as a strobe to clock address and data information
via the PORT 2 interface. The extra 16 I/O lines are
referred to in UPI software as PORTS 4, 5, 6, and 7.
Each PORT can be directly addressed and can be
ANDed and ORed with an immediate data mask. Data
can be moved directly to the accumulator from the ex-
pander PORTS (or vice-versa).
The 8243 I/O ports, PORTS 4, 5, 6, and 7, provide
more drive capability than the UPI-41A/41AH/42/
42AH bidirectional ports. The 8243 output is capable
of driving about 5 standard TTL loads.
Multiple 8243’s can be connected to the PORT 2 inter-
face. In normal operation, only one of the 8243’s would
be active at the time an Input or Output command is
executed. The upper half of PORT 2 is used to provide
chip select signals to the 8043’s. Figure 2-21 shows how
four 8243’s could be connected. Software is needed to
select and set the proper PORT 2 pin before an INPUT
or OUTPUT command to PORTS 4 – 7 is executed. In
general, the software overhead required is very minor
compared to the added flexibility of having a large
number of I/O pins available.
231318 – 24
Figure 2-19. Recommended PORT Input Connections