Note: You must specify either the word programming time parameters, buffer programming time parameters, or both. Do
not leave both programming time parameters with the default value of zero.
4. Click OK to save the parameter settings.
5. After you add, update, or remove the new CFI flash memory device, click OK.
The Windows registry stores user flash information. Consequently, you must have system administrator privileges to store the
parameters in the Define New CFI Flash Device window in the Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition Programmer. PFL II Parameters
Table 18.
PFL II General Parameters
What operating mode
will be used?
• Flash Programming
• FPGA Configuration
• Flash Programming and FPGA Configuration
Specifies the operating mode of flash programming and FPGA configuration control in one
IP core or separate these functions into individual blocks and functionality.
What is the targeted
• CFI Parallel Flash
• Quad SPI Flash
Specifies the flash memory device connected to the PFL II IP core.
Set flash bus pins to
tri-state when not in
• On
• Off
Allows the PFL II IP core to tri-state all pins interfacing with the flash memory device
when the PFL II IP core does not require access to the flash memory.
Table 19.
PFL II Flash Interface Setting Parameters
How many flash
devices will be used?
• 1–16
Specifies the number of flash memory devices connected to the PFL II IP core.
What's the largest
flash device that will
be used?
• 8 Mbit–4 Gbit
Specifies the density of the flash memory device to be programmed or used for FPGA
configuration. If you have more than one flash memory device connected to the PFL II IP
core, specify the largest flash memory device density.
For dual CFI flash, select the density that is equivalent to the sum of the density of two
flash memories. For example, if you use two 512-Mb CFI flashes, you must select CFI 1
What is the flash
interface data width
• 8
• 16
• 32
Specifies the flash data width in bits. The flash data width depends on the flash memory
device you use. For multiple flash memory device support, the data width must be the
same for all connected flash memory devices.
3. Intel Agilex Configuration Schemes
UG-20205 | 2019.10.09
Configuration User Guide