Generating Remote System Update Image Files Using the Programming File Generator
on page 151 for the
step by step process to generate the standard and single remote system update image files using the programming
file generator.
3. The remote system update requires you to use the AS x4 configuration scheme to configure the FPGA with the pre-
generated remote system update image.
4. Once the device enters user mode with either the factory image or an application image, the remote system update host
can perform the following remote system update operations:
a. Reconfiguring the device with an application or factory image:
From factory image to an application image or vice versa
ii. From an application image to another application image
b. Erasing the application image
c. Adding an application image
d. Updating an application or factory image
4.3. Commands and Responses
The remote system update host communicates with the SDM using command and response packets via the Mailbox Client
Intel FPGA IP.
Block Diagram
Intel FPGA IPThe following figure illustrates the role of the Mailbox Client Intel FPGA IP in a Intel Agilex design. The Mailbox
Client IP enables communication with the SDM to access quad SPI flash memory and system status.
4. Remote System Update (RSU)
UG-20205 | 2019.10.09
Configuration User Guide