Here are some examples of
QSF assignments.
#Global QSF assignment
set_global_assignment -name PRESERVE_UNUSED_XCVR_CHANNEL ON
#Per-pin QSF assignment
set_instance_assignment -name PRESERVE_UNUSED_XCVR_CHANNEL ON -to AA75
Related Information
Unused Transceiver Channels
For more detailed information about preserving unused transceiver channels in E-tile devices.
6.7. Understanding and Troubleshooting Configuration Pin Behavior
Configuration typically fails for one of the following reasons:
The host times outs
A configuration data error occurs
An external event interrupts configuration
An internal error occurs
Here are some very common causes of configuration failures:
frequency. It must match the frequency you specified in the Intel Quartus Prime Software and the
clock source on your board.
Ensure a free running reference clock is present for designs using transceivers, PCIe, or HBM2. These reference clocks
must be available until the device enters user mode.
For designs using the HPS and the external memory interface (EMIF), ensure that the EMIF clock is present.
For designs using SmartVID (-V and -E devices), ensure that this feature is set-up and operating correctly. Ensure that
the voltage regulator supports SmartVID.
Here are some debugging suggestions that apply to any configuration mode:
To rule out issues with
select the Internal Oscillator option in the Intel Quartus Prime.
Try configuring the Intel Agilex device with a simple design that does not contain any IP. If configuration via a non-JTAG
scheme fails with a simple design, try JTAG configuration with the
pins set specifically to JTAG.
6. Intel Agilex Debugging Guide
UG-20205 | 2019.10.09
Configuration User Guide