5. Intel Agilex Configuration Features
5.1. Device Security
Contact your Intel sales representative for more information about the device security support in Intel Agilex devices.
The Intel Agilex device provides the following flexible and robust security features to protect sensitive data and intellectual
User image authentication and encryption
Public-Key based authentication
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)-256 Encryption
JTAG Disable
JTAG Debug Disable/Enable
Side channel protection
Physical anti-tampering protection
5.2. Configuration via Protocol
The CvP configuration scheme creates separate images for the periphery and core logic. You can store the periphery image in
a local configuration device and the core image in host memory, reducing system costs and increasing the security for the
proprietary core image. CvP configures the FPGA fabric through the PCI Express* (PCIe) link and is available for Endpoint
variants only.
UG-20205 | 2019.10.09
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